Building the Ultrasonic Antifouling Kit from Jaycar


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24 Jan 2003
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Just about to screw the transduce assembly into the ring glued to the hull but not sure what goop I need to put into the ring in order to get a good contact between the transducer and the hull. (cant find the instructions :-( )
I'm in the uk

Silicon grease is your friend for this job. Make sure there are no air bubbles and you want it as thin as you can make it to fill in all the voids if the surface is not flat


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31 May 2016
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As promised a while back, here are our conclusions concerning the Jaycar anti fouling system:

We installed FOUR units on our Beneteau 50, more than enough by all accounts.
And, after solving the fuse blowing issue (as reported in former posts here) we are VERY SORRY TO REPORT that we have come to the conclusion that they ARE NOT WORTH IT. Period.

Although upon inspection of hull we initially thought we saw some cleaner areas than usual, one being in the area where one of the transducers was installed, basically we have found no conclusive evidence of any improvement since using them other than a noticible increase in our shore power bill. Really!

How we hoped for something, ----anything(!) in the way of a good report. We would have been happy with even a MINIMAL improvement, but found none.
Your results may vary. (But I doubt it.)

For us, it was a complete waste of money and labor.


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4 Jan 2011
Germany / Greece
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Hi Garibri,
before blaming the system as such :
do you know how much (if any at all…) of the transducers energy is penetrating the hull and reaches the water around the boat?
Without a measurement with a hydrophone in the water, and displaying the ultrasonic signal on a oscilloscope, you wouldn’t know are they ultrasonic waves in the water and how strong they are.


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4 Jan 2011
Germany / Greece
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@ Garibri :
..... and also something else :
you had the issue with blowing fuses all the time with all your 4 systems.
What was the problem, and how did you know now, the systems are working as they should?
... sorry for asking you this, you wrote you aren't electronics newbie ....


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8 May 2017
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So.. To bump this multiyear topic once more..

Are there any multiyear experience reports from members here which are still here around? I read mixed reviews ranging from absolutely fantastic to completely rubbish / not working. Are the ones which are enthousiastic about this system after all these years still positive about this?

I own a old Skibsplast 15 HT (15 feet, 4.65 meters), I am considering buying such a system. I will be located with my boat in the Adriatic sea (again) for about 5 months.


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7 Aug 2017
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FWIW - I am pretty sure Beneteau 'wafers' their hulls (although) not the conventional wafer, they do it as a quality enhancer (additional strength and sound suppression) as opposed to a cost saver.

There is a video of their manufacturing process here.

IN THE END though, if I see what I think I am seeing in the video...the outer hull is in fact solid fiberglass, but there are additional layers added to the inner hull. I would expect if you do not attach the transducers to the 'outer hull,' you are not going to get the desired effects.

Perhaps if you used the 'cored hull' method to install your transducers (cutting an access point through the inner hull material) you might get better results.

Almost done with my build...after seeing it work on a friend's boat for two seasons now in barnacle infested brackish.



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8 Sep 2017
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I brought a kit a few years ago and finally assembled it. It was blowing fuses. I had to replace the 2200uf capacitor and mosfets. It was batch # 6W4012. When working, it was drawing current varying from 0 to .6 amps in different steps as it did its cycle. Thanks for all the previous input on solving the fuse problem.


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3 Feb 2008
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Some news of my ultrasonic kit bought in September 2016 and mounted in November 2016. At that time I had some difficulties to adjust the tension to 5V accurately. It was jumping quickly from 2,50V to 5,50V when I was turning the trimpot and hardly stayed at 5,0 V. But I achieved the remaining of the installation and it was working well with the transducer making some vibrations in a pan with water inside. But once arrived on the boat in December 2016 it was no more working and the fuses from 3A to 5A were blowing each time I put them. So I sent an email to a guy in Jaycar who suggested me that I should change the 2200 µF capacitor. I could only do that once I returned home in November 2017. I bought two 2200 µF 25V Low ESR capacitors and a capacitor meter. After pulling the 2200µF capacitor it appeared by measuring it with the capacitor meter that it was not faulty ( 2080 µF). However I changed the old capacitor with a new one (1930 µF).
After this change there was still the difficulty to adjust the tension to 5V because it was still jumping from 2,50V to 5,50V when I was turning the trimpot. I measured the trimpot which was changing linearly from 0 Ohm to 20 kOhm. And again the fuses blowing each time.
I called back Jaycar and they told me to verify that the two Mosfets were not in short-circuit and, if they were not, to verify that the Mosfet gates were connected to the PIC12F675 pins via their Gate resistor.
So I bought two new Mosfets and began to verify the Mosfet Q2. After discharging it I found that there was a short-circuit between Drain and Source. The Mosfet Q1 was OK.
So I changed these two Mosfets by new ones and everything became perfect. No more fuse blowing and a nice clicking sound but with slighter waves than the the first time it worked (maybe it depends on the kind of pan you are using).


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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I am bumping this so that people can find it easily in view of a new thread on the subject. I am sorry that all my photos no longer show as they are on Photobucket.


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2 Feb 2005
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I am bumping this so that people can find it easily in view of a new thread on the subject. I am sorry that all my photos no longer show as they are on Photobucket.

what is your opinion on the effectiveness of the Jaycar kits ?

I made and fitted 2 units on my Moody 44 but I still cant decide if they work or not


10 Oct 2007
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One kit attached to solid fibreglass hull on 34 ft Hanse, we are now antifouling at 18 to 20 months intervals compared to about 12 months previously. Swim and scrub after 12 months, then weed comes with a rush at 18-20. But I am sure it depends on the location, water temp and other biological conditions. And how often and far you sail at what time of the season. But over 10 years it has paid for itself in antifouling costs.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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what is your opinion on the effectiveness of the Jaycar kits ?

I made and fitted 2 units on my Moody 44 but I still cant decide if they work or not

I last reported on page 35, post 345 of this thread. They certainly have some good effect. I changed from antifouling each year, to every two years and think that the system reduced fouling quite considerably. I did however eventually decide that antifouling with toxic paint was a thing of the past and had the boat done with Coppercoat over two years ago. So far the Coppercoat seems to work fairly well, but is not perfect and the hull has some fouling around the waterline now, worse than it had when I ran the ultrasonic systems full time, as I turned the systems off for a time after the Coppercoat was applied.. The systems are now back on, but I will have to wait until the boat is lifted and scrubbed before I can assess things properly again.


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11 Jul 2018
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Question if I may. I have assembled the unit very carefully.
When I apply power the red LED lights up for about 15 seconds then goes out.
If I turn the unit off for say 10 seconds and repower on the red LED will not light up. Wait say 1 minute, the lights up for the same 15 seconds then goes out.
If I run a voltage meter over the power supply – starts with 11.9 volts – drops to 11.7volts while the red LED is on, then when the LED goes out the power raises back to 11.9 volts.
Reading the instructions – could it be an adjustment of the VR1 and VR2? I do not have technical know-how to test this I am thinking.
Any advice/thoughts most appreciated. Thanks


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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I am going to post all of the surviving photos. This one is for a new member who thinks he may have assembled his circuit board incorrectly.
View attachment 72107

I have gone though my old posts on this thread and put back all the photos that have survived.


Well-known member
19 Oct 2005
Durham, England
I am going to post all of the surviving photos. This one is for a new member who thinks he may have assembled his circuit board incorrectly.
View attachment 72107

I have gone though my old posts on this thread and put back all the photos that have survived.

Can't you see when you click "post reply" that whatever that link's supposed to be, it doesn't display an image?


Well-known member
15 Mar 2005
East Sussex.
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Can't you see when you click "post reply" that whatever that link's supposed to be, it doesn't display an image?

Working for me, the only issue is that where others have posted quote's of my old posts their posts still reference the old images on Photobucket, which no longer exist.


New member
25 Jul 2018
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Great thread and thanks to all positive contributions. I just took delivery of the Mk 2 version and never realised how much assembly was required.
Is there anyone else putting one of these together as seems quite different from the original pics from thread starter Norman_E?

Cheers and Beers.