Bought a new boat


Well-known member
28 Nov 2002
Boat: Kilrush.
last weekend and we went out in it today.

We dawdled up the river, we dawdled down the river and eventually we dawdled onto the lake.

For a new boat, it's a bit sparse; it has no compass, no depth sounder, no GPS, no radar and I only had a handheld VHF.

However, I suppose its par for the course; its an "Old Town" three man Indian canoe!

Absolutely brilliant fun and lovely to silently slink around a bend and surprise wildlife who because of the no noise had no inkling we were upon them.



Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Did the same with a friend of mine. He bought a plastic version of a Canadian canoe and we took it down the Dwyryd river, past Portmeirion (5 miles-ish) then out into the estuary and up into Porthmadog. Brilliant fun.

We did the same with the river Glaslyn, which empties into the same estuary. Trouble with this river is that you aren't allowed to canoe it. As we were looking for a place to start, I asked my friend "where's the best place to put in?". He replied "just by that oak tree....the one that has the sign that says NO CANOEING". We got shouted at by a few fishermen, but quickly came to the conclusion that they could do bugger-all about us. So we kept on going like naught boys.

But of course - we are motor-boaters!! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif