Bought a Never splashed Colvic Countess 33 on eBay, Looking for infos


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28 Mar 2018
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OK thanks - at least there is some kind of philosophy behind your venture which I guess will be its own reward. That was my point - there is a small but significant move to electric hybrid systems and non of it driven by cost, so I was wondering what your motive was, thanks again for clarifying.

No worries. Off course the ultimate ambition is to be able to do what sailboats have done for literally thousands of years and break free of the diesel. It would be rather nice to be able to charge on mains and just use sails for propulsion. I’m sure we’re going to be able to do that at least when conditions are propitious and the stars align.


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28 Mar 2018
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Totally agree. The only time I can smell my twin diesels is if the wind is blowing from aft.

That’s exactly what my problem with the fumes is. If you go across the pond chance are, you’re going to be downwind most of the way. If you lose the wind and decide to motor, the residual wind is still going to give you a good sniff at your exhaust. If you’re downwind and need to switch on the motor for any reason the whole boat is going to be full of exhaust fumes.

Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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I agree completely that poor maintenance is indeed the cause of the Smelly boat syndrome. We take great care in having dry bilges exactly because we don’t fancy “boat” smell and we don’t even have an onboard engine on Selkie.
The Kiss principle applies here, I will struggle to repair a Diesel but I sure can fix the electrics. Easier to diagnose any problem for me. Got all the tools I may need and while I can repair my Fancy LED TV or my computers, I have to send my car away to be repaired. It does have the added installation complexity, but running it is actually easier then a Diesel. No oil filters to change or diesel tanks and filters to clean. Once installed its like your washing machine or fridge. Switch it on and it works.

Well Greg I am the exact opposite I can repair most things mechanical but once we get into the world of electronics then it is either in the bin or someone else to do the repairs.
My diesel engine was like the washing machine perhaps a bit more reliable once I had fettled it. It never let me down.
I wish you well in your endeavour and will wait and watch but I couldn't wouldn't contemplate it and I do like my technology.:encouragement:
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28 Mar 2018
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Well Greg I am the exact opposite I can repair most things mechanical but once we get into the world of electronics then it is either in the bin or someone else to do the repairs.
My diesel engine was like the w

Well I got an old radar for £10 because it did not work. Now it's working. When it comes to engines, I do have some knowledge but no experience in repairing them, I did do a few things like getting my father's old Triumph Tiger Cub bike back to a running condition and had it all spit and polish but it took a few months of hard work learning how to do it. I was 16 then. I do like some things mechanical but not necessarily engines more automation ;)
When I look at an engine not working my first thought cannot be written here. It involves a lot of Sailor speak.

And think of it this way, all the time we’re busy looking and learning this new world of ours... we’re not talking about Brexit.
Thanks, I hope you’re enjoying all the madness from which we apparently have been diagnosed terminal.
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Fr J Hackett

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26 Dec 2001
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Well I got an old radar for £10 because it did not work. Now it's working. When it comes to engines, I do have some knowledge but no experience in repairing them, I did do a few things like getting my father's old Triumph Tiger Cub bike back to a running condition and had it all spit and polish but it took a few months of hard work learning how to do it. I was 16 then. I do like some things mechanical but not necessarily engines more automation ;)
When I look at an engine not working my first thought cannot be written here. It involves a lot of Sailor speak.

And think of it this way, all the time we’re busy looking and learning this new world of ours... we’re not talking about Brexit.
Thanks, I hope you’re enjoying all the madness from which we apparently have been diagnosed terminal.

Sorry Greg there was more to the post electrical gremlins interfered or perhaps it may have been my fingers.


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That’s exactly what my problem with the fumes is. If you go across the pond chance are, you’re going to be downwind most of the way. If you lose the wind and decide to motor, the residual wind is still going to give you a good sniff at your exhaust. If you’re downwind and need to switch on the motor for any reason the whole boat is going to be full of exhaust fumes.

Not exactly what you said:

It always has a bit of engine smell to it no matter what you do plus the Diesel will make itself known.


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28 Mar 2018
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Not exactly what you said:

GregOddity #1254
I personally hate the fumes and the smell that leaves on a boat just by being inside.

My bad, as I was writing this, I was thinking of the fumes that come inside the boat with wind changes. Or when my neighbour starts her engines and I have to go for a walk or a drink at the pub because my boat will be inhabitable at that time.
That on top of the scent it has inside boats when it's hot.
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28 Mar 2018
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The Sailor.

Today there was no boat work done. The fellowship of sailors at the marina, gathered in the local pub for the wake of an “Old Sailor”.

It was a beautiful send off for someone that can only be described as a “true” character. He was just an “old bloke” with long hair, living on a boat. Nice to everyone, always ready to land a hand, always upbeat. We got on well and he shared a bit of his life. From travelling the world, to everything boating.

So today we had a toast with his favourite drink, Rum and by Neptune the pub was full.
This is also part of sailing, as we say goodbye to the sailors embarking on that last final trip and they hoist sails and depart for that final sunset, leaving us on shore seeing their sails fade in the horizon and contemplating all the personal voyages we’re still yet to undertake.
Tomorrow with the coming tide, the refits continue.

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3 Apr 2009
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No worries. Off course the ultimate ambition is to be able to do what sailboats have done for literally thousands of years and break free of the diesel. It would be rather nice to be able to charge on mains and just use sails for propulsion.

I did see photos, perhaps a couple of decades ago*, of a Kiwi boat that replaced the mast and sails with a large wind turbine which it used to drive the prop. I think it was direct drive. You can maybe use the generator to drive your engine with enough spare battery capacity for the lulls.

With the added advantage that if you were ever on the run from the police, the wife or the CIA you could hide in a wind farm.

* I can't guarantee it wasn't early April (maybe even the first day of April that year). I didn't look at it too seriously.


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Electrical Fire on Selkie.

Well a Sailboat likes to keep you busy and can be very insistent when she wants attention.
On our list of projects, was the new wiring, but so many things have come between it, that I’m afraid I only replaced what I saw as the most urgent, safety wise.
Well, I just had a little Electrical fire as I accidentally switched on the bilge pump. I was going to switch on the lights, but pressed the wrong switch on the board.
As the compartment doors in the galley are in our workshop, I could see beautiful orange flames lighting up under the steps and hissing on the bits of water collected on the bilge.
What FUSE, you may ask, was not installed? Well we now know.
We did replace a few wires, but they are all so botched up (as I could see first hand) that I’m just gonna rip it all up and install ALL new wiring kinda on the fast.
Can’t even remember the last time I saw an Electrical fire. Extinguisher was at the ready and it’s still looking at the wires.

Not having a good day, I was just cleaning after dropping the kettle full of water and trying to grab it was enough to tip the coffee pot, as I was cleaning and wanted more light to check if I had spilt anything else, I decided to switch on the saloon lights as well.

Got to admire the way the previous owners wired the boat. It’s a work of art!

Still smoking.



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28 Mar 2018
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I did see photos, perhaps a couple of decades ago*, of a Kiwi boat that replaced the mast and sails with a large wind turbine which it used to drive the prop. I think it was direct drive. You can maybe use the generator to drive your engine with enough spare battery capacity for the lulls.

With the added advantage that if you were ever on the run from the police, the wife or the CIA you could hide in a wind farm.

* I can't guarantee it wasn't early April (maybe even the first day of April that year). I didn't look at it too seriously.

It’s a very old Idea. I think one such prototype was built in the Isle of white in the beginning of the 1900’s using a water pump mill as inspiration for the propeller. If memory serves me right he managed to compete in a race as the officials could not find anything on the rule book to disqualify the vessel. Was a direct conversion to a prop for propulsion. Read this long ago so … take it with a pinch of salt.




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30 Nov 2005
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Sorry to hear about the electrical fire - but didn't I read somewhere not long ago that you'd addressed the wiring issues?

So you've had an excellent seasons sailing on lake Solent, brilliant...but during the season, on your non project boat..

You replaced the rigging and almost lost your mast
Replaced existing wiring and suffered an electrical fire
Have had ongoing issues with a new outboard
Suffered considerable water ingress after structural failure (luckily before the wiring was addressed, as presumably you turned on your bilge pump)

But on your other project boat you intend to;

Design and install a new sail plan and rig from scratch
Marinise and install a car engine as combined generator & propulsion
Install a complicated electric hybrid system
Refit a bare hull from parts bought on ebay, in a fraction of the time it would take a professional yard to do it

Then go bluewater sailing. Have I missed something here?

Enjoy your project, it may be fun, but stay safe man.



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28 Mar 2018
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Sorry to hear about the electrical fire - but didn't I read somewhere not long ago that you'd addressed the wiring issues?

So you've had an excellent seasons sailing on lake Solent, brilliant...but during the season, on your non project boat..

You replaced the rigging and almost lost your mast
Replaced existing wiring and suffered an electrical fire
Have had ongoing issues with a new outboard
Suffered considerable water ingress after structural failure (luckily before the wiring was addressed, as presumably you turned on your bilge pump)

But on your other project boat you intend to;

Design and install a new sail plan and rig from scratch
Marinise and install a car engine as combined generator & propulsion
Install a complicated electric hybrid system
Refit a bare hull from parts bought on ebay, in a fraction of the time it would take a professional yard to do it

Then go bluewater sailing. Have I missed something here?

Enjoy your project, it may be fun, but stay safe man.


Yeah, pretty much except the wiring… We started, but I’ve left the bilge pumps and the mast till now. I guess I forgot the bilge pumps completely. I was actually doing it with my brother and at some stage along the line, as time was getting very short to get the boat on the water, I got distracted by other projects and completely forgot about it. Well mast is done, so it’s only the wiring for the bilges.
Got to start doing a job sheet for my own projects as I get older, I guess.
Essentially, we decided just to run new wires in place of the old ones and did not yet change the layout of the wiring as I intend to change things around. I guess no better time as now.

I really should have known better as the wire did look dodgy.


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This IS a work in progress and all elements may change depending on components and design!

So, this is a study of the instrument panel for oddity. It will include a dedicated screen for the electrical power. Battery charge and state, solar regeneration and hybrid power production.
It's pretty much in a state of flux at the moment as we research components and design the system around the Hybrid Drive.



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I've never seen anything quite like it.

Neither did I as I'm still designing it. It's all about bang for your buck. $ are in shorter supply then ingenuity and a bit of fiddling.
It’s going to use a Pi and SignalK to get all signals on board to the display that monitors the Battery and a to a laptop for the general parameters on board.
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