Returning from Heathrow after taking our eldest son to catch his flight back to New Zealand we saw an early 1920's AJS two and threequarter HP (350 cc) motorbike stopped at the side of the road.
We stopped to see if we could help.
I did not know the guy, but he knew me, and five minutes later I had it going again.
Usual problem after a winter of not being used-duff magneto.
Giving the points a clean, shutting the plug gap down to about 10 thou-it started first kick.
If any of you out there own a nice classic or vintage motorbike, take the magneto off and put it in the airing cupboard for the winter.
All my speedway bike mags spent their winters thus, and I never suffered a duff mag.
Anyway, thats my hot tip, and, feeling righteous after my good deed, I'm off to bed..............