Boat Owners Group.


Active member
12 Dec 2002
North Ayrshire/ Glencoe
Visit site
To whom it may concern...

I am trying to set up a UK based Rinker Owners Group on the web.
It will obviously take some time to take off, But if there are any owners of Rinkers on here, or you know someone who owns a Rinker, Please direct them to My Site.
It can be found here;
The group will be handy for Technical info, Owners comments, or just general chat about Rinkers,There is also an Album section where it is free for members to download their Pictures onto the net.
It is free to Join and hopefully in the future we may even be able to arrange meetings.
I have managed to get a Rinker Dealer involved, so should get answers to all Questions.

The group is open to Rinker owners, but anyone who has an interest in boats wether or not they own a Rinker is Very Welcome to Join.

Many Thanks for the Support


Thanks to Kim for letting me promote this Group on YBW.