Boat alarm


New member
24 Mar 2003
Essex on the river Crouch
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Having had a break in whilst my boat was on the hard over the winter, I decided to make myself a cheap alarm system. Well known DIY stores sell personell alarm systems that have self contained batteries and are activated when a pin is pulled out. By mounting one of these in a cunning position within the cabin and ensuring that the pin is pulled out then the hatch is opened, to far, the alarm goes off. The noise is deafening within the cabin and the uninvited guest has no option but to retire. My problem has been to forget the alarm is armed and when visiting the boat I forget to disarm it, something to do with having a senior moment. Have any readers installed similar systems? if so, has it detered the low life that has forced entry.

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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It frightened one group of low-lifes off a boat in our marina, they even left a torch behind in their rush to get away. We also have one fitted (after a break in last Nov) as well as a separate main alarm system down below with 2 separate and very loud sirens. The idea of the first one and the warning 'Alarm Fitted' notices is to stop them going beyond the mainhatch.

Personally I would prefer one that instantly zapped the b%£$&*ds but that would not be PC these days would it, the poor things need counselling and only locking up if they knock the head off a VIP statue..

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