Bilge pump woes


20 Jul 2007
Tollesbury Essex/ Brittany
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So. The bilge pump stopped working and on examination I found a loose wire. Simple I thought just reconnect it but no still not working. Remove pump and connect directly to the battery and yes it works.
There is a bilge pump push button reset switch in the panel but it does not appear to have tripped.
The reset switch looks like a Klixon 10 amp thermal circuit breaker but am having trouble locating one.also why would it trip if it was just a loose wire?

Is there a way to test this unit

I’m thinking of removing it and connecting the two wires together to see if that get the pump going .


Well-known member
19 May 2003
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So. The bilge pump stopped working and on examination I found a loose wire. Simple I thought just reconnect it but no still not working. Remove pump and connect directly to the battery and yes it works.
There is a bilge pump push button reset switch in the panel but it does not appear to have tripped.
The reset switch looks like a Klixon 10 amp thermal circuit breaker but am having trouble locating one.also why would it trip if it was just a loose wire?

Is there a way to test this unit

I’m thinking of removing it and connecting the two wires together to see if that get the pump going .

If the circuit breaker has tripped it should be "Sticking out" If you cannot push it back in it probably hasn't tripped. However it could be faulty, can't really tell without seeing it. Have you got a multimeter so that yo can check if you have voltage at the output of the breaker. You should be able to measure between the output terminal and the negative busbar, assuming it is single pole. Again with out seeing the actual set up difficult to diagnose for further faults. Is there possibly another fuse in the circuit? The breaker could have tripped if the loose wire had shorted, don't know the polarity of the loose wire!


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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So. The bilge pump stopped working and on examination I found a loose wire. Simple I thought just reconnect it but no still not working. Remove pump and connect directly to the battery and yes it works.
There is a bilge pump push button reset switch in the panel but it does not appear to have tripped.
The reset switch looks like a Klixon 10 amp thermal circuit breaker but am having trouble locating one.also why would it trip if it was just a loose wire?

Is there a way to test this unit

I’m thinking of removing it and connecting the two wires together to see if that get the pump going .

No it should not trip just because of a loose wire but as pointed out it would if the wire shorted to the other connection, or to earth/ negative if its the positive wire

You could bypass the circuit breaker by connecting the two wires together but do so cautiously in case there is a short circuit down the line somewhere. Linking them with a 10 amp fuse would be prudent.
If all is well with the pump and the wiring the pump should run normally without blowing the fuse. and suspicion would then be focussed on the circuit breaker. If the fuse blows then there is a problem with the pump or the wiring.

You could check for a supply on the inlet and outlet sides of the circuit breaker. I would use a small 12 volt bulb on a couple of leads rather than a digital multimeter because digital meters take so little current that they can easily give an apparently normal reading when they shouldn't.

Google will easily locate a replacement Klixon circuit breaker if necessary.
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20 Jul 2007
Tollesbury Essex/ Brittany
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Hi, thanks for the reply the button is not sticking out and does not seem to move when pressed I think the wire which came off was the positive I at home now so can’t use the meter.
Can I by pass this reset button


Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Hi, thanks for the reply the button is not sticking out and does not seem to move when pressed I think the wire which came off was the positive I at home now so can’t use the meter.
Can I by pass this reset button

See what I say above about doing so with a fuse


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16 May 2016
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Vic can you please expand on how I test the breakers inlet and outlet

Disconnect one wire and test for continuity between the two connections, no need to wire it up to a power supply. I take it you have a multimeter ?
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Well-known member
13 Jul 2002
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Vic can you please expand on how I test the breakers inlet and outlet

sorry badly worded

What I meant was check that you actually have a power supply getting to the breaker ... see also my comment about preferring to use a bulb rather than a digital meter ...... and check that when the breaker is apparently closed check that there is power getting through it.

If you have disconnected it you could just check it for continuity when apparently closed with a multimeter set to its lowest ohms range, or continuity buzzer if it has one.


Well-known member
19 May 2003
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I am not being funny but are you sure that you reconnected correctly? Don't worry we have all done it! Also have you got a float switch and/or auto/manual switch in the circuit? All worth a look.


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19 May 2003
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Yes I took a not of the wiring and a photo on my phone and there is no power to the wires

OK If as previously stated you can prove that you have power at the Output side of the C/B then it is a case of tracing through by following the wiring and check all the joints and connections etc. Good luck. it is always difficult to give a definitive answer with out seeing the set up.


Well-known member
16 May 2016
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Disconnect one wire and test for continuity between the two connections, no need to wire it up to a power supply. I take it you have a multimeter ?

Yes I have a multimeter with a tone setting for continuity so I remove one wire and put the meter in between is that Correct ?

Remove one wire and use the meter probes on the two terminals of the breaker.

With the range set to ohms.

Think we covered that Graham. :encouragement: