There is an excellent web-site - worth having a look there. JVCom32 is also very good but shareware - otherwise "demo" is written across the screen. Variuos DOS programmes. If you use AirMail/SailMail with GetFax/ViewFax - that is an excellent set of programmes using SCS PTC modem and not sound card. MixW2 will also do WxFax - more of a RadioHam programme but will also decode RTTY and Amtor/FEC for NavTex - all via soundcard - shareware also but not as expensive and much more flexible than other so-called professional products IMO.
JVComm32 is available as a free demo and works very well when set up. It leaves 'demo' in small letters at intervals down left & right of the page but is quite readable, registration otherwise will remove this at a cost of £50 I think. Also receives/decodes RTTY transmission such as from Offenbach Germany for very good forecasts Baltic to Turkey and all in between. (NASA have a receiver now for these just like their Navtex set) Mscan weatherfax/RTTY can also be downloaded as a free trial but the 'demo' signs obliterate much of the page and in RTTY form it skips lines of text to urge you to register.
SeaTTY is another excellent RTTY text program for text weather and very cheap to register, also downloadable easy.
All these you can find by doing a search on Yahoo for either 'weatherfax software' or the name of the program. We use JVComm32 for fax and SeaTTY for RTTY, via an Icom SSB and a soundcard connect to the laptop.
JVComm32 is just the ticket - does all I need and is cheaper than some of the "professional" software. As only an occasional user I can justify £40, but not £150.
I'm not going to try to sell one type over another. What I suggest is that unless you are fairly competent at understanding the tortured English that usually accompanies software and other IT products, you get the seller of the package to install it for you. I reckon to be not entirely incompetent when it comes to computers but I struggled for ages when I downloaded the demo version of Meteoscan and never downloaded anything. After a two-hour visit to the software writer all became clear.