Best time and place to sell a boat


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24 Jul 2020
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Any views on whether it might be better to try to sell a 20+ year old mid sized yacht in Plymouth or somewhere around the Solent? How about the time of year; beginning or end of the season?


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10 Nov 2007
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When you decide to sell, place it on the market, maybe with a broker to get the maximum coverage of the listing sites or Apolloduck if you want to sell it privately. Time of year etc is largely irrelevant, although obviously end of season prices might be lower because it is more costly for the buyer to get it ready (and pay winter storage). Location might be important, particularly with low value boats, but either location you mentioned will be fine.

However, a good boat well priced just sells, particularly at the moment. Condition and presentation are far more important. I have just sold my boat over Christmas within 10 days of listing it for the full asking price.


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17 Jul 2011
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Any views on whether it might be better to try to sell a 20+ year old mid sized yacht in Plymouth or somewhere around the Solent? How about the time of year; beginning or end of the season?

You will more likely get a better price and shorter selling time in The Solent than Plymouth but in the current market people are prepared to travel further to find a boat so unless there is little cost/ time effort required for you to bring it to The Solent, best to try where it is first and if no luck bring it up.


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16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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You may find Yachtsnet, which is West Country based, worth chatting with. I very nearly purchased a boat via them and found them very honest and straight forward to deal with. The also post on this forum under the handle of jwilson.
Yachts for sale at Yachtsnet - UK sailing yacht brokerage and boat sales

The best advice I can give is to get your boat in a ready to sell condition with nothing left onboard that is not included in the sale. Make sure everything is as clean and shiny as possible, inside and out. All electrical items must work. The bilges must be clean and dry, plus no smells down below - especially in the loo compartment(s). Try and think if you are the buyer, what do you want to see and not see. This will certainly help in a quick sale at a better price.


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10 Nov 2007
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Well-known member
31 Aug 2011
On the Celtic Fringe
Any views on whether it might be better to try to sell a 20+ year old mid sized yacht in Plymouth or somewhere around the Solent? How about the time of year; beginning or end of the season?
A chap sold his his boat in Plymouth in April 2021 unseen and at asking price within 24 hours of placing it on the market. Another boat in the same marina was sold in 48 hours. Really depends who is looking at the time.


Well-known member
3 Feb 2004
Boat (over winters in) the Clyde
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Any views on whether it might be better to try to sell a 20+ year old mid sized yacht in Plymouth or somewhere around the Solent? How about the time of year; beginning or end of the season?
These are certainly very unusual times re boat sales, so I don’t think previous trends necessarily apply.
Certainly timing wise, if genuinely want to sell, put on the market now (or asap, once cleaned). Boat prices are defying gravity, so cash in now in case the bubble bursts (eg if waited to end of season).
Also, consequently don’t waste time moving location. It ain‘t far to travel for a keen buyer. If the bubble bursts and boat unsold at end of season, consider moving then (or more likely being honest about why not selling - condition, presentation, price or all three).


Well-known member
17 Jun 2008
Surrey and Gosport UK
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You could if it has one advertise on an owners website ? That said even fairly popular boats eg a Bavaria of say20 years from around 2001 in the 341/2 size seem in short supply currently.