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Ok so we've all got to sit out yet another UK winter waiting for the spring to arrive so we can get our boating adrenalin fixes.
For those of you that ski you may be familliar with a chap called Warren Miller who makes extreme ski films. These films have kept away the ski blues which usually start 3 weeks before the season and last until about a month after.
Firstly is there a Warren Miller equivalent for the MoBo world?
Secondly what are the best films containing adrenalin pumping mobo sequences in your oppinioons. The bond films are the obvious ones but if we were to compile of a list of must see boating sequences from movies what would they be and from which film. Film doesn't need to be good but the seuqnece does.
Seems like there could be a market opportunity here for anyone with a Camcorder, just imagine TCM filiming from his lepoard whilst being chased by Coliholic on a jet rib through entrance to the old port in Antibes....
yada yada..
For those of you that ski you may be familliar with a chap called Warren Miller who makes extreme ski films. These films have kept away the ski blues which usually start 3 weeks before the season and last until about a month after.
Firstly is there a Warren Miller equivalent for the MoBo world?
Secondly what are the best films containing adrenalin pumping mobo sequences in your oppinioons. The bond films are the obvious ones but if we were to compile of a list of must see boating sequences from movies what would they be and from which film. Film doesn't need to be good but the seuqnece does.
Seems like there could be a market opportunity here for anyone with a Camcorder, just imagine TCM filiming from his lepoard whilst being chased by Coliholic on a jet rib through entrance to the old port in Antibes....
yada yada..