I’m making a new battery box out of plywood. Do I need to coat the plywood with anything, paint, resin, leave bare etc to protect it against damage by battery acid ?
I've done it both ways. On balance painting is best.
No special paint is necessary but danboline locker paint is about right. Make sure though that it has hardened completely & even then give the bottom a smear of grease before installing the battery or it might just stick in the fresh paint due to the constant & heavy pressure.
I would go along with what Steve says. My battery box is made from ply and I painted it 15 years ago with International Toplac or what ever they called their paint then. It is still fine and being painted it is easy to clean out from time to time. Bare ply goes a horrible colour after any length of time and really needs some protection.
because of acid spillage.I have just got our tugs and barges through their re certification in Patras.You will appreciate the amount of form filling that takes in Greece ;-) <BG>. Greek maritime law is a law unto itself ,but don,t look too close at the inter Island ferries.