Badly behaved Narrowboat owner

Old Crusty

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21 Apr 2019
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Never mind the bye-laws, if there’s any damage to the cruiser then a prosecution for causing criminal damage would appear to be appropriate.


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6 Dec 2005
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Bru, that means you know him via canal boating.

I was on a Tuesday Night Club trip with him when he came as a guest - very self opinionated.

& I understand the Lister slow revving plonky plonky engine has a modern PRM gearbox fitted, so slamming it in reverse will stop Justice on a sixpence.


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3 Jul 2012
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His new book is given a very good review in this month’s Yachting Monthly. It’s a pity he never seems to have gone public with any sort of explanation or apology. Maybe he was having a bad day and there could have been contributing factors to his behaviour. I do like these kind of books but don’t feel right forking out £18.99 after viewing the video, it would be on my mind all the time while reading it.
Steve does seem to have taken some action, the video is no longer available. I presume he has done something to make it go away.


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18 May 2008
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Was this the video where a narrow boat owner was coming downstream from Marsh lock and wanted to moor at Mill meadows? Someone else coming upstream had already acquired the mooring spot and I seem to recall he deliberately collided with their boat.

The only thing which excuses deliberately colliding with someone else's boat is if they are blocking your passage along the water. Even then you don't steer into their boat deliberately. It might be needed if they are pushing you into a dangerous position.

If you are going downstream you turn first and go into the side bow pointing up. Obviously this is not a hard and fast rule but you have to default to basic rule based behaviour in case of doubt.

I seem to remember it was just above the Eyot there so a bit tricky to turn a narrow around. At the end of the day the other boat had the mooring. Deal with it and go elsewhere. Maybe he was afraid of Steve coming out and getting a tenner if he moored further down below the bridge?

Deliberate and premeditated ramming of other boats is a pretty dodgy thing to be doing.

Yes we want to do it. No we don't do it.


Well-known member
13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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Was this the video where a narrow boat owner was coming downstream from Marsh lock and wanted to moor at Mill meadows? Someone else coming upstream had already acquired the mooring spot and I seem to recall he deliberately collided with their boat.

The only thing which excuses deliberately colliding with someone else's boat is if they are blocking your passage along the water. Even then you don't steer into their boat deliberately. It might be needed if they are pushing you into a dangerous position.

If you are going downstream you turn first and go into the side bow pointing up. Obviously this is not a hard and fast rule but you have to default to basic rule based behaviour in case of doubt.

I seem to remember it was just above the Eyot there so a bit tricky to turn a narrow around. At the end of the day the other boat had the mooring. Deal with it and go elsewhere. Maybe he was afraid of Steve coming out and getting a tenner if he moored further down below the bridge?

Deliberate and premeditated ramming of other boats is a pretty dodgy thing to be doing.

Yes we want to do it. No we don't do it.
I believe you are correct.