Bad News is ------ Bad News


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20 Nov 2001
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Have just got latest copy of PBO.

Once again we have a story of a couple getting into trouble, having a dreadful time, but surviving.

Now I have nothing against the couple, or any other sailors come to that I'm sure they are very nice people. However, I am getting a bit fed up with every month seeing a story about some poor sod, whether through his own fault or not, suffering pain and anguish. Then we have a list of "Lessons learned."

Now this is a very good concept, but do we have to have it every month? Can't we have some good news? Can't we hear about someone doing a Brittany cruise (Or anywhere else) and having a wonderful time. Read about the excellent restraunts they visited, brilliant anchorages, glorious weather etc.

I want my magazine to cheer me up when it is hissing down with rain and blowing a hooley, not depress me.

What do you think?


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15 Jun 2001
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The brittany Cruise

The good weather?????? can't remember any good wather in august - Excellent restaurants - 25% were poor, Exotic Anchorages - La Palais - in august!!

No seriously - we had a wonderful cruise - but in august you have to have a positive mental attitude to survive the inevitable over stretched resources of the restaurants and marinas.

Good news stories are often rather bland - they don't make good copy - so inevitable the mags always have a slot for things that went wrong. To be fair - they nearly alwatys have a slot for the good bits.

What I object to is the gross inacuracies that creep in - Viz the guy sailing from Salcome round start point - which was the biggest load of tosh that I have ever read.


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30 May 2001
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Re: The brittany Cruise

What?? Auguest in Brittany was terrific. We had three weeks of a cruise there this year and it only rained once. Rest was clear sky and nice winds. Overcroweded - yes, especially in the second week but thats to be expected.

I agree with the content in the mags though. Maybe the new editor with sort things out.


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15 Jun 2001
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Re: The brittany Cruise

We had some serious rain at the end of the first week - 4 days pretty crumby weather - start and finish weather of our 2 week cruise was great - but never hot, (1st 2 weeks)


Well-known member
16 May 2001
France, sailing Aegean Sea.
\"We learn from our mistakes\"

It's an interesting concept. Do we only learn from doing things wrong? Surely not, or schools would have a much harder time than they currently do. What have we learned by doing things right? Probably most of the things to do with my boat.

- I have never run aground (well, only a little bit) so presumably I have learned to navigate
- I have never had a punch-up with the crew, so I suppose I have learned some tolerance
- We have won lots of sailing trophies. Did I learn to race by coming last? I don't think I ever did
- I do every bit of maintenance myself but have so far failed to drill holes through tanks and hull, burn the boat to the water, seize the engine or do other damage. So how did I learn?

I would suggest that my abilities as a sailor have improved over the years, but not by doing things wrong. This is surely learning by experience.

So I'm in full agreement. Let's have some articles about people learning by doing it right.


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30 Sep 2002
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Re: The brittany Cruise

But Le Pallais is always awful in French Holidays and weekends -avoid like the plague, and go to Sauzon - or better still anchor in the forbidden anchorage of Treach ar Selous at Houat. Although there will be plenty of other boats, it doesnt really feel crowded, and as long as there arent too many grockles from the Quiberon ferry the Island itself can be exquisite. Actually according to the notice in the shop this August it appeared that the Belle Ile ferry might soon be ceasing plying it's trade so there may be fewer grocks. If you really want to get away then of course Hoedic fits the bill.


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15 Jun 2001
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Re: The brittany Cruise

I suffer from the SWMBO's on board who insist being on a marina every night. So If I want to go cruising with them (only one is mine bye the way). Despite having all mod cons hot water - shower 200 Gall water etc, it has to be flat calm before they would consent to anchoring overnight. I hate having to go every bloody night into a caravan park! Le Pallais was unbelievable!!!!


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30 Sep 2002
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Re: The brittany Cruise

Ah yes - mine has recently caught the same ailment - perhaps an even more virulent strain as she has now said that she never wanst to set foot on the ***** boat again - she is fed up with slumming it on holiday. Shame really as I didnt feel that a modern 50 footer was truly slumming it - but then how would I know?

I do have dispensation to buy a smaller race boat - so I wont stay ashore for longer than I can help!


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30 Sep 2002
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Re: The brittany Cruise

I dont think I've done anything - she has become frightened (not because of any incident), and has become disgruntled about being on the boat - even with holidays to Florida, England (we dont live in England), and in a weeks time to Turkey. Thats 4 weeks of off boat holiday's - but even so the week (or so) on the boat is begrudged. I've come to the conclusion that there is no point in forcing the issue otherwise the children will pick up on the tension and then they too will be less prone to enjoy it years to come.

Hey, ho it's off t race we'll go!


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16 May 2001
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There was a similar thread on Buttlescut last week. The stories are always under the heading " Lessons Learned " and like a lot of you I'm really not sure if you really learn anything from them . How much of this sort of story is schadenfreude ? Let's face it we all like a bit if drama and it's bound to sell mags. There was 10 lessons learned at the end of the article - and if you total them up over a year that's a lot of lessons and how many of them do we take heed of ? I bet not many.