I use the tiller version and I'm impressed. You need to spend lots of time in varying conditions to determine hte ideal settings for your boat to get the best out of it.
The display is particularly good, as is the documentation.
I have motor sailied over 150 miles in big (3 - 5 meter) seas going downwind and it only caused concern coming down the steepest of the waves. Needless to say I would take over at any time.
Some people report too much wandering, but it does vary from boat to boat. For me, with a fairly long keel, I need to change the "response" setting to two when motoring, deafult for sailing.
It comes into it's own, though, when you add the ST60 wind instrument. You can then set the system up to steer according to the wind. Wonderful on a longer leg where speed often outweighs course.
I have been using an ST 4000 W for about 8 years living and sailing full time on my S/Y Hylas. As I mainly sail single handed, my autopilot is very important and works nearly 95% of the time.. My boat is 12 meters / 14 tons (YES - 14) (www.hylas.ws) and I was very pleased with it..
After 8 years, I had to change the small plastic gears from the electric motor (about 60 Euros) and as I'm planning to cross soon the Atlantic, I decided to buy the new model and to keep the old one as a spare..
Of course I only have a very short experience with the new pilote but I was also very impressed by its characteristics...
downloaded manuals for both Autohelm ST4000+ MK 1 and 2 from Raymarine web site earlier today (<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.raymarine.com/raymarine/Default.asp?site=1&Section=3&Page=171&Parent=166>Link</A>).
Thanks for the comments gentlemen. I am amazed that a 4000 gives such good service on a 14 ton boat, based on that I should have no problem on my Beneteau 375, about 7 ton.
Be sure to keep water / rain well away from it if mounted externally. A cover is a minimum requirement.
Take spares on any length of journey, for sure!
The 4000 (I have used one) is rated for a medium displacement boat. A heavy vessel - one a the top end of the Autohelm rated weight range and / or with sizeable windage - can prove difficult to steer in any sizeable seaway for other than short periods. After years of trying with Autohelm gear I had to give up and instsall a hydraulic Simrad - terrific!