Attention Surveyors


New member
31 Dec 2001
My insurance company have told me I have to have my boat valued by an acredited yacht surveyor. This is dispite a full survey carried out 2 years ago and a clean bill of health issued.

Boat is ashore and easily accessable at Wicor Marine in Portchester. Anyone interested at a reasonable cost?

The trouble appears to be that I bought her at an exceptional price, ( see website below) and the insurance co. will only insure her at this price until she is officially blessed at a new value.

I only changed policies as Pantaenius nearly doubled my premiums, but only found out the problem with the new company after the premium had been paid and my old cover had expired, ( that'l teach me to cut things fine!)

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Thanks and regards Nick

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Accredited Surveyors ??

Where and how ?????? Being one - I am always amazed at the labeling of Self-assessed / self-appointed 'Surveyors' who claim this ridiculous title. I suppose the biggest culprit in this is a certain Self-regulated / interested Association .....

IMHO opinion of course !!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !


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16 May 2001
S. Yorkshire / Devon
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I'm insured with Navigators and General who, for the last two years, have resisted my attempts to reduce the sum insured.

Sure, in the absence of a total loss, the higher the agreed value, the higher the premium - to contribute to possible repair claims.

Anyway, a valuation shouldn't cost too much.

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Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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guess u should have read the "small" print
@ least Pantaenius are "straight" as far as im concerned.
they do what they say & are approachable.
u pays yer money ect.

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New member
31 Dec 2001
Andy... Well thats what I was thinking ...until my regular surveyor quoted me 300 quid plus Vat!!! This is for a boat he did a full structural survey on 2 years ago.. Im obvously in the wrong job.

Regds Nick

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Re: Accredited Surveyors ??

Sorry but away at moment ...... suggest you call Adrian White .....
mail me at : and I'll pass his contacts.

Despite many claims - a) there is no absolute formal Yacht Surveyor Qualification that is Govt. / Authorities sponsored / licenced, b) Accredititaion is purely by self-interested and self-appointed groups with no official recognition or licence to supervise / coordinate the industry, c) many surveyors can call themsleves surveyors from first day of thinking about it !!! and the worst can be Consultants !!

OK - now I will receive a lot of flack from various - but until I receive absolute proof - I will stay independent !!!!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !


Have you asked others ?

KC Powell insured my boat for market value - not price paid ..... without survey ... OK I had a copy of the 3 year old one from previous owner .... but nowhere is a value quoted in it.

As I see it - I don't understand why an Insurer .... remember these are brokers NOT the underwriters ... should argue against market value .... seems strange.

Many don't realise now that you can extend / create a Marine Cover with your House insurance ..... contents I think it is ....not the Buildings - haven/t done it myself, as KC Powell give me very good service ... but maybe worth a look.

I notice that UK still has this eluctance to shop around and pit prices and companies against each other ...... US and other places do this every time and competition smartens up the market !!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !


Well-known member
15 Jun 2001
Haslemere/ Leros
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Market Value

There is always a problem with the valuation of a boat - or a house for that matter. Market Value may bare no relationship to the replacement cost, especially in the event of a partial loss. If you paid £13,000 for a small westerly, and then you lost the mast and all the sails - what would be the bill for replacement of that. - perhaps £9000? is the rig actually worth 2/3rds the value of the boat - of course not. so in effect you would be under insured and the insurer should average your claim to the proportion that the replacement parts of the components ie Hull /Rig/ equipment etc taken independantly of each other.

I think that most people who insure for what they believe to be the market value are infact under insuring the vessel.

I cannot understand the attitude of your insurer- unless its a broker who thinks he's dealing with a motor car. A surveyor will probably have as much idea as you as to what the market price is. Most marine contracts are for AGREED VALUE and NOT Market Value - so check the wording - and point out to them that you think on a partial loss basis you would be under insured. - expect to pay proportionately more premium.

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10 Nov 2003
Berkshire UK
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Re: Accredited Surveyors ??

I'll back you

Having watched a pre-sales survey done on my boat, by a company who advertised as being members of a profesional association, and who subsiquently ignored leters of complaint.

Surveyor's qualifications, as stated:- BSc, Cert. Ed, Commission in the Air Force.

Missed vital Boat Safety Scheme failures
Did not know the difference between filter and sedimentor.
Did not knwo the difference between a pressure switch and thermostst.

Stated Oven flame failure as causing concern, CORGI registerd LPG man identified the oven as fine, but teh central heating flame failure as faulty.

Listed "chock block" connectors, as fitted by original equipment suppliers as being unsuitable (Ok I know there are better methods).

Failed to give opinion of value.

Fortunatly I am in the lucky postion of knowing as much as he appeared to, so his "report" was treated with the confidence appropriate and I do not regret it. I feel very anoyed that they would not supply their report untill the cheque cleared, so, baring court action, their refusal to reply to letters meant I could do nothing about their "scam/con/whatever"

Sorry about the winge, but I feel sorry for the people who accept his reports as definative and in good faith.

Tony Brooks

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New member
31 Dec 2001
Thanks for replies everyone. Thanks to recomendation by a forum member I now have valuation survey booked with fully qualified surveyor for 1/4 of the original amount quoted by my usual surveyor.

Of course this is what this forum is so good at.

Regards Nick

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Professional ??

At last info - I was requested to submit 5 reports of various craft for appraisal and vetting to become a member of a well-known Association.
I was also informed that my standard fees were not acceptable and would have to comply with the 'Industry Standard' ...... ?? Shall we re-word that to THEIR dictate based on 'volume factor multiplier applied to length ? Meant that my fees would double !!
I was advised that only 3 insurance companies were accepted for Indemnity .... why ? when there are many reputable ?

Final decision - I refused and repeated flat refusal from me to join when approached again.

Final note of caution - there are very few real details given out correctly about GRP problems etc. and a lot of what is published / quoted is old-hat and pretty well shown now to be bunkum ......

Sorry but I get tired of seeing people duped / conned / hood-winked ...... call it what you will.......

In my view there are many Yacht Surveyors out there that are not members of Associations, are labelled as Free-lancers and honestly serve their clients well. They don't need some fancy named association to tell them what they have known for years and likely know more than the assoc. anyway.

Unfortunately due to pressures not so long ago about RCD and stability issues- certain 'Self' created / appointed bodies received a boost .......

I am independent and I like the company of Independents - we survive despite various attempts to close the shop !!!!

<hr width=100% size=1>Nigel ...
Bilge Keelers get up further ! I came - cos they said was FREE Guinness !