Attacked by an Orca near A Coruna


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12 Feb 2019
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The reason for the exclusion zone is to protect boats and the orcas from incidents.
This should be applauded by the Spanish government who under scientific advisment have come up with a solution to a problem , we are guest in the ocean , so respect those animals that live there .
Any attempt to injury .interfere with their natural foraging or movment is illegal under spanish law
Have some respect for a countries law and stop being so Brittish


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12 Feb 2019
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What is the causal link between marine animals in danger and being on a boat forum ? You are falling into FG's trap of emotional inclusiveness.
You are falling into the trap of not reading the science and not trying to understand why , you have made your mind up based on assumptions poor video shots poor testimonial and no true understand ofcorca behaviour,


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6 May 2005
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Once again you are putting forward unsubstantiated hypotheses on the basis of your affective attachment to killer whales.

"they associate with "

"we assume"

"they may find"

"could be warning"

If you have been involved in scientific methodology for as long as, and at the post-qualification level you claim, then you once more putting your emotions ahead of your cognitive ability.

Your support for killer whales is relatively easily understood; your persistence in indicating that their attacks or possibly innovative behaviours are solely anthropogenic is not. We may be seeing autonomous behavioural evolution in a wild apex predator.


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12 Feb 2019
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When someone writes that they joined WWF at 5 you just know where to file the rest.

At 5 I wanted to be a killer whale and believed it was possible.
Again you go after my personality , why do you feel the need for that, I was pointing out that I have followed my dream,
I would appreciate no more from yourself in regards to personal insults you have already been reported and I will continue to do so if you persist.
I am happy to debate robustly with those that do not agree with me , but I will never ever stop to personal attacks on a person this is abhorrent to someone with aspergers as we see all as equals and fairness is paramount to our mental state, what you might think a a gentle dig to me I see bullying and do not take it in any form
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2 Dec 2018
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Once again you are putting forward unsubstantiated hypotheses on the basis of your affective attachment to killer whales.

"they associate with "

"we assume"

"they may find"

"could be warning"

If you have been involved in scientific methodology for as long as, and at the post-qualification level you claim, then you once more putting your emotions ahead of your cognitive ability.

Your support for killer whales is relatively easily understood; your persistence in indicating that their attacks or possibly innovative behaviours are solely anthropogenic is not. We may be seeing autonomous behavioural evolution in a wild apex predator.
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: have you read the report from the Spanish authorities ? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: , while yes we may be seeing some evolutionary behavourial change , or a Moby Dick syndrome ( which i refered to days ago ) ,, are there any more far flung and highly improbable theories which you would like to be considered ?


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12 Feb 2019
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Once again you are putting forward unsubstantiated hypotheses on the basis of your affective attachment to killer whales.

"they associate with "

"we assume"

"they may find"

"could be warning"

If you have been involved in scientific methodology for as long as, and at the post-qualification level you claim, then you once more putting your emotions ahead of your cognitive ability.

Your support for killer whales is relatively easily understood; your persistence in indicating that their attacks or possibly innovative behaviours are solely anthropogenic is not. We may be seeing autonomous behavioural evolution in a wild apex predator.
Behaviour change perhaps but there have been thousands of incidents were orcas have played along side boats , this is nothing new,
There has been no deaths relating to orcas since records began.
So we can logically use the scientific data we have from the past and present to come up with sound hypthoses which are they are likely playing , being curious and perhaps defending their prey .
This is how science in the biological environment work we study and papers are written and then scrutinised by others then more papers are written until we see patterns .
So before we can determine the true cause of these incidents we need more data and more information before we can conclude the truth , so we should not jump to the word attack so quickly as the data we have does not support this
I agree that perhaps we are seeing a change, perhaps they are being more aggressive to boats , but it will take more analysis and much more time to see this happen .
Mophilogical and behavioural change does not happen over one year .
If the same incidents were to occur next year and the year after and these could be verified them yes you may ge right they are changing.
But time is the only way we will truly get an answer.


2 Dec 2018
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there does seem to be a trend here where the rudders seem to be a focal point of " interaction " , should this be considered as some significance , is there something to be learned from this , also of boats moving ,, surely if these were " attacks " then a stationary boat would be a more suitable target ,, or is a moving boat considered to be more sporting ;)


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12 Feb 2019
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there does seem to be a trend here where the rudders seem to be a focal point of " interaction " , should this be considered as some significance , is there something to be learned from this , also of boats moving ,, surely if these were " attacks " then a stationary boat would be a more suitable target ,, or is a moving boat considered to be more sporting ;)
I personally think they do not see a rudder as such , it is a floating object that they seem to like being around, as many dolphin species do,
The difference in behaviour is they make contact and as the rudder is the weakest part of a boat by a 7 tonne whale brushing past it, something has to give.
Now why are they making contact is the question
They are not ramming as there has been a few reports around the world of orcas ramming boats and they have taken on water.
No ramming here, so one can say maybe their intent was not harm
Also until the experts get out there or good video is taken , it is difficult to identify the culprits
We do not know if it is a female with young near by. An angry Male showing his manliness or and those may laugh , but it could be a couple of adolescent who have found a new game .
If an orca wanted the boat gone, or to eat the occupants I can assure all they have the intelligence and the power to do so.


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19 Nov 2019
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You are putting hunting to eat and attack in the same phrase , this is a misunderstood, does the abbituor attack the cow with a stun gun so you can have your steak
Does a sperm whale attack a squid to eat ?
Does an orca attack a piece of plastic. If so why , it is not after human meat they incredibly intelligent , seems like they are curious and playing not attacking
Steaks come from males usually


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15 Oct 2016
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I've just returned from a Gib to Portland delivery and we were off Finisterre shortly after this all took place. The Spanish VTS were requesting coordinates of all Orca sightings but we didn't see any. Plenty of dolphins, jumping tuna and a large pod of (I think) Minke whales but no Orcas.

I would have been extremely frightened too and I'm not playing down the event, but are you sure it was an act of aggression? If the whale had wanted to cause real damage it would have been easy for it to do so. Many marine zoologists think Orcas may have cognitive thought on a par with humans. If that's true then they may connect boats with dwindling fish stocks.

Anyway, very glad you're alright.


13 Jun 2016
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The reason for the exclusion zone is to protect boats and the orcas from incidents.
This should be applauded by the Spanish government who under scientific advisment have come up with a solution to a problem , we are guest in the ocean , so respect those animals that live there .

Well yes, but this will force boats to go further out to sea where assistance is harder to give. Although the whales seem to be preferring the inshore zones, that might be just because that's where the boats are.


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8 May 2003
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According to regional newspaper the Voz de Galicia to day another British yacht was molested by orcas,yacht was advised by coast guard to stop which they did and soon after the yacht continued on passage without further problem


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22 Oct 2005
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According to regional newspaper the Voz de Galicia to day another British yacht was molested by orcas,yacht was advised by coast guard to stop which they did and soon after the yacht continued on passage without further problem
Come on lads. Tow a surfboard on a twenty meter painter to give these sporting Orca a tow so they can bite on it in comfort and safety to satisfy their need to surf the waves.

Expecting them to bite on a rudder which is so close to the propellor to get a tow is cruel and insensitive.

We should also topple any statues to past whaling exploits and get the government to issue a sincere apology to all whales for rending them down to make candles.


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12 Feb 2019
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According to regional newspaper the Voz de Galicia to day another British yacht was molested by orcas,yacht was advised by coast guard to stop which they did and soon after the yacht continued on passage without further problem
Molested seriously this is pathetic, some orcas come near a boat they jump onto the vhf and cry for help, they turn their engine of as the orcas swim past with no incident, the word molested is outrageous language and really to be using it in this case is rather child like for grown ups


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12 Feb 2019
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Well yes, but this will force boats to go further out to sea where assistance is harder to give. Although the whales seem to be preferring the inshore zones, that might be just because that's where the boats are.
People have a choice, no different to a pride of lions territory or a wild pack of wolves , do we say he excuse me do you mind moving your natural feeding ground away so I can move my 590000 pound yatch I've just had her bottom done
Theres a good chap
I hope those reading this understand laws and protection of these animals , avoid them it is their home . Moby dick was a long time ago
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13 Jun 2016
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People have a choice, no different to a pride of lions territory or a wild pack of wolves , do we say he excuse me do you mind moving your natural feeding ground away so I can move my 590000 pound yatch I've just had her bottom done
Theres a good chap
I hope those reading this understand laws and protection of these animals , avoid them it is their home . Moby dick was a long time ago

What is their territory though where they have been so far or wherever they might be?
It's a question of how best to co-exist, if the boats are further offshore they might be in more danger, and just as much in the orca's territory.