Astinor 1000LX



As I'm in the market for a flybridge cruiser not exeeding 12m x 4m (39ft x 13ft 1ft 2") The beam size is the most restrictive as you can see. Anyway I was reading the article on the Astinor 1000LX in MBM Nov issue, 33ft with 11ft 1" beam fits the bill, all for £109k inc VAT seems good value . Anyone have any opinions on this craft?

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We had a look at this at SIBS in September and it seemed really good value for the money. The interior was a little on the basic side, with some of the furnishing finishes not quite up to date, but overall looked an excellent boat. And they are prepared to do deal, at least they offered us a relaly good price at SIBS.

The importers and agents at Lymington were really enthusiastic and knowledgable about the boat and were very keen for us to go on a no oblogation sea trial. Even phoned me three or four times in October and November to arrange for us to go for a sea trial and even after I told them that we were'nt really prepared to spend that sort of money at the moment, they were really friendly and kept on suggesting we go for a ride, "just for the fun of it" and so we'd know what it's like should we ever feel we were in a position to seriously consider it. Not high pressure sales pitch at all, very friendly and helpful.

As you say it got a good write up in MBM too, they were equally impressed with it.

I think if I were seriously going to spend that sort of money I'd definitely give it some serious consideration. Are they at Earls court? If not give them a call, the importers are a hiusband and wife team, she's called Nikki, office number is 01489 892997, mobile 07889 159325


Coli its says in the article importers Leisure Marine Ltd HAmble Point Marina is that right ?

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By the way Coli its for a sea school boat so sea keeping etc, more important than interior finishes I reckon.

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11 Dec 2001
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Hamble Point, Lymington, it's all the same to me? Darn sarf innit to us norverners in Huntingdon. Sounds right though, I was a bit off with the geography, Hamble point it is.

For a sea school boat I reckon it'd be worth some very serious looking at since standard of finish is probably not too high on the list of essentials. Go and have a go in it. They'll be really happy to take you out.

The demonstration one they had at SIBS was also for sale as a secondhand boat and were talking about a very attractive price for it, but of course I don't know if it's been sold now.


Thanks Coli I'll give then a ring tomorrow. Perhaps look at a 36 footer if they do one

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