ARCS Skipper Problem


10 Mar 2002
Costa Blanca
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I've just had the ARCS Skipper folio of digital charts for the channel islands as a Christmad pressie, and very nice it is too. Just what I wanted in fact.
But I happened to be looking at the RYA chartplotter info on the web and the example shown included the channel islands chart folio. But the RYA folio included chart 2845, which is Bray Harbour to a scale of 1:6000, which isn't present in the Skipper folio. Not that that's a problem I thought because I can just go out and buy chart 2845. I searched through all the ARCS Skipper folios and I couldn't find chart 2845. The admiralty leisure site does have an option to enter individual chart numbers and 2845 duly appears as Bray Harbour.
But my question is if I didn't know 2845 was available digitally through the RYA chartplotter I just wouldn't have realised there was such a chart. And what other digital charts are available through ARCS that I don't know about?
There doesn't seem to be an option on their website to list everything that's available.

Am I missing something?


New member
9 Dec 2004
Dover,Kent, UK
I've just had the ARCS Skipper folio of digital charts for the channel islands as a Christmad pressie, and very nice it is too. Just what I wanted in fact.

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Once you get into using the programme, you find it is a good bit of kit , and such a lovely useful prezzie.

But I happened to be looking at the RYA chartplotter info on the web and the example shown included the channel islands chart folio. But the RYA folio included chart 2845, which is Bray Harbour to a scale of 1:6000, which isn't present in the Skipper folio. Not that that's a problem I thought because I can just go out and buy chart 2845. I searched through all the ARCS Skipper folios and I couldn't find chart 2845.

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I use the MERIDIAN chartware system which is nearly the same as yours, the 2845 is availiable for mine , so would have thought it was for yours also, I would have a word with the agent it was purchased from.

The admiralty leisure site does have an option to enter individual chart numbers and 2845 duly appears as Bray Harbour.
But my question is if I didn't know 2845 was available digitally through the RYA chartplotter I just wouldn't have realised there was such a chart. And what other digital charts are available through ARCS that I don't know about?
There doesn't seem to be an option on their website to list everything that's available.

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I would think , that all ADMIRALITY charts would be available for your system, Send them an e:mail, they are very helpful.



New member
19 Jan 2002
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Just had a look on the PCMARITIME site here for the channel Islands and as you point out 2845 is not listed. If you want a particular chart in a folio you can create your own list of 10 charts, probably the best bet is to list the folio and remove one chart that you do not want and add the one you do. As for the list have your done a search on NP109 the NW Europe Catalogue.

Regards Trevor