Aquaholic Channel - Huuuugeeeee Boats


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11 Mar 2002
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As far as I know V-drive, U-drives are still called straight line shafts, it is not like it bent or something. It is the direct which changes in the technical terms.
You are formally right in saying that he doesn't specify "linea d'asse diretta" in the original IT version, but as I'm sure you know, it's common practice to assume it is direct, whenever not specified.
Even more so considering that he stretches that "...naturally the propulsion is a traditional...", even drawing a straight line in the air with his hand, go figure! ?

Not that I have anything against V-drives per se, mind - also my boat runs on V-drives.
But throughout all that video, Bulleri clearly tries to brag on the reputation of Itamas of old (and it's safe to assume that he does that because briefed to do so by the builder!), when this is clearly a different beast.
I mean, he even goes as far as praising the teak deck, go figure!
Which BTW not only looks awful on an Itama deck, but is also cheaply built with straight planks... (n)
26 Jul 2022
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She drinks about 10 litres per nautical mile, possibly a bit better in the best cruise. A friend of mine is around 9.5liters per nautical mile at 26 knots and medium load he told me.
Which is not bad for around 30 tons and twin 1400hp. Possibly the least consuming boat with those engines.
As far as I know V-drive, U-drives are still called straight line shafts, it is not like it bent or something. It is the direct which changes in the technical terms.

I have managed to get 2 litres per nautical mile in a 1.6 tonne RIB before so I'd say 10L/nm in a 30 tonne boat isn't bad
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Nick Burnham

Active member
21 Feb 2012
Hello everyone, and thank you to everyone who watches my channel!

Someone mentioned this thread to me so I thought I’d pop in to say, I totally agree with you! Ridiculously expensive boats, yup. Not remotely critical, absolutely!

But for anyone interested, here’s why.

AQUAHOLIC started as a bit of fun and a hobby, but actually became a good excuse to get onto some REALLY big boats. I’d been on some superyachts when writing for Boat International in the past and was blown away by them, and I wanted to get on more. But they can be very tricky to access, you need a good excuse, like being a serious buyer. Or because you can film them and put them in front of a million people…

Anyone can go to a boat show and look around a Jeanneau Merry Fisher 695. Walk around your local marina and tell the bloke with a Bavaria S30 that you love his boat and he’ll likely invite you aboard for a peak. But try getting aboard a 54 metre Amels... So AQUAHOLIC is a way for people to access dream boats that they ordinarily cannot get anywhere near. Also, when I started doing this, no one filming the bits I was interested in seeing, engine rooms, crew cabins, the deck areas (they are now of course) so I wanted to bring all of that to people.

Someone in this thread said, boats under £500,000 are more attainable so I should show more of those, and that is technically true. But for 99.99% of the population (myself included), they’re more attainable only in the same way new Rolls Royce Phantom is more attainable than a private jet. Yes it’s cheaper, but no we can’t afford either. Only a minuscule proportion of people have £1/2 million to spend on a boat, or even half that. For people like me, anything over £100,000 is simply unattainable, so if you’re going to look at boats you can’t afford, why not look at really big amazing ones?

Which brings me neatly on to the critical review thing. Despite over 30 years in the industry, 20 as a broker, more than 10 in journalism, I still get really excited to see a new boat! Hence, when I look around a Horizon FD110 or a new Pearl 72, genuinely, in my head I’m just going ‘Wow, this is absolutely AWESOME!’, so I’m afraid that that’s basically what you get. AQUAHOLIC is not MBY and neither does it want to be. I’m not there to give a sober appraisal of the merits and demerits, you’ll never hear me remark on whether the throttles fall easily to hand. I’m just there going ‘look at this, it’s fantastic!!’ Because it is! I’ve never pretended that AQUAHOLIC is a serious review channel, it’s just a bit of fun, for me and hopefully for whoever is watching.

And then finally we get to the subject of money. AQUAHOLIC has turned into a business and my primary source of income, it’s the only reason I can afford to run my boat and the only way I’m ever going to get a bigger or newer one. So like any business, I need to focus on what my customers want. And what they very clearly want is big boats. I put a £20,000 Fletcher 19 GTS on the channel 6 months ago and it’s had 75,000 views which is great. However I put a $14,000,000 Horizon FD110 on the channel 2 days ago and it’s had over 90,000 views so far. So the big boats are here to stay for as long as they’ll let me aboard them because that’s clearly what people most want to see.

Having said all that, there will be cheaper boats on the channel from time to time because I love all sorts of boats and I think variety is good, plus AQUAHOLIC continues to be a great gateway into boating - I’ve had many messages from people saying that they stumbled across the channel a year ago having had no interest in boating, got hooked, and they’ve just bought their first RIB or a Bayliner or something because they now want to try it themselves.

I’m very much hoping to do more Meet The Owner videos this summer (if you’re interested in appearing, give me a shout!) and I really want to do more videos of boating on my own boat. Indeed I want to do more boating on my own boat! AQUAHOLIC has rather taken over my life - 3 videos a week (plus one for MOTAHOLIC every week) takes some doing, which is why I’m focussing more on boat shows where I can find plenty of content and plenty of big boats to go WOW over. Hopefully that will keep the pennies rolling in and leave more time to go boating.

Thanks again for watching, see you on the water!


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12 Dec 2004
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Thanks for your channel, Nick. I subscribe to only a few YT channels and yours is one of them. I too like the larger boats as I'm a perpetual dreamer thinking 'What if...'

Keep it up.


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29 Apr 2020
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Hello everyone, and thank you to everyone who watches my channel!

Someone mentioned this thread to me so I thought I’d pop in to say, I totally agree with you! Ridiculously expensive boats, yup. Not remotely critical, absolutely!

I’m very much hoping to do more Meet The Owner videos this summer (if you’re interested in appearing, give me a shout!) and I really want to do more videos of boating on my own boat. Indeed I want to do more boating on my own boat! AQUAHOLIC has rather taken over my life - 3 videos a week (plus one for MOTAHOLIC every week) takes some doing, which is why I’m focussing more on boat shows where I can find plenty of content and plenty of big boats to go WOW over. Hopefully that will keep the pennies rolling in and leave more time to go boating.

Thanks again for watching, see you on the water!

Thanks for your response Nick, not sure if you know much about them but I have a lovely Leader 805 on the Beaulieu River I could show you around ?, beers always available.

Try to make sure you enjoy your boat too Nick (y)


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19 Jan 2021
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Well it was not a hard thing to do. People don’t seem to do much to gain your respect it would appear

Well it was not a hard thing to do. People don’t seem to do much to gain your respect it would appear
[/QUOTE I think you raised an interesting topic and I personally agreed with some of the points raised., but lm not sure this comment was really necessary.


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6 Dec 2021
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I think the content of Nicks channel is great and variety is always good in life. I cannot afford a £2M+ motor yacht but still love to see these as I might not otherwise.

Plus, like Victor Kiam, "I loved it so much I bought the...................Hoodie !"

Similarly I'm fortunate enough to have a nice boat that sits just below £1M in value but am happy to see reviews on boats at a lower price level than mine if they peak my interest.

And I have no real interest in sailing yachts but do enjoy seeing Nicks video's on them as they are enjoyable and help me re-affirm that I'm certainly not a sailor. Remember its a something for everyone channel and we have the ability to leave it, and just "tune in again next week".

One thing though, I can imagine sourcing all of the content isn't quite as easy as you might think so people, you could always contact Nick and offer him your own boats for review too as he may just be delighted to gain access to what he hasn't been able to get hold of himself.....

Edited to say, I'll leave this here but posted it only having followed page 1 of the thread but have now seen that Nick himself has replied to the feedback - Doh.

Keep up the great content Nick !


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11 Oct 2001
Bangor NI
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It's certainly interesting for Nick Burnham to give quite an extensive reply. At the end of the day his channel is his channel so if giving glowing praise of superyachts on his channel is his chosen poison then that seems fair enough.
The only thing I would be in disagreement with is how Nick says his channel is different from MBY reviews. I may have missed the more critical reviews but all the videos posted on MBY don't seem to show any real difference from the Aquaholic channel, in that they are mostly "Wow", "Excellent", "Amazing" and I've yet to hear "this could / should be better". Even the reviews generally seem like PR for the manufacturer and not what I would call an unbiased review.

When I was last at the SBS I had a good walk around a good few of the 'go-to' brands and to be honest there were examples where I would say the guardrails weren't substantial enough and the interior laminates, when you looked beyond the clever design, weren't of a quality befitting a multi million pound vessel. I don't expect MBY to agree with me but I don't think I have once heard a single review where any feature has been stated as "not good enough" or "disappointing". (Hopefully this level of balance is present in some of the reviews I've not seen)
Now I'm sure that may put 'reviewers' in a tricky position with regards to being invited back again but that is the nature of a genuine review.


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6 Sep 2001
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Dreaming is free ...

Watching Nick and dreaming is free...

Buying a lottery ticket, watching Nick and dreaming costs £2.50.....

Beats counting sheep...