Well-known member
You are formally right in saying that he doesn't specify "linea d'asse diretta" in the original IT version, but as I'm sure you know, it's common practice to assume it is direct, whenever not specified.As far as I know V-drive, U-drives are still called straight line shafts, it is not like it bent or something. It is the direct which changes in the technical terms.
Even more so considering that he stretches that "...naturally the propulsion is a traditional...", even drawing a straight line in the air with his hand, go figure! ?
Not that I have anything against V-drives per se, mind - also my boat runs on V-drives.
But throughout all that video, Bulleri clearly tries to brag on the reputation of Itamas of old (and it's safe to assume that he does that because briefed to do so by the builder!), when this is clearly a different beast.
I mean, he even goes as far as praising the teak deck, go figure!
Which BTW not only looks awful on an Itama deck, but is also cheaply built with straight planks...