Apreamare 10/12 semicabinato


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3 Feb 2019
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Hi folks,

I live in Scandinavia so it's rare for me to come across Apreamare boats. However, there are a few around and I have been to see a Apreamare 12 semicabinato once and also seen the Apreamare 10 semicabinato from the outside. They are a bit quirky compared to the usual brands around here but I think their layouts are quite interesting and they seem to be good quality boats. From looking at both models online it seems that they were constructed with several different layouts but I haven't been able to find more information on exactly how many different types/variations there are.

Have anyone here owned Apreamare boats and can share your experiences? Or if someone knows more about the manufacturer and can share some insights?


Best regards,


Well-known member
21 May 2007
Malta - Med Sea
Hi, the one in the picture is a Cabinato model, it looks to be the 12 Cabinato.
They are high quality boats and very heavy for there size and wide.

An Aprea 12 Cabinato or Semi-Cabinato weighs in at about 17/8 t in running order. I know only the Pershing 43 which is a heavier boat.
Off my head....
The 12 Cabinato or SC was offered in two or single cabins layouts. The 10 sc was only offered in a single cabin. For two cabins you need the 10 Cabinato with bunks.

If you want a single cabin Aprea I would choose the newer 38 Comfort, produced from 2007 to 2012, which also features a nice hard-top.
The Aprea 38 tends to run better to the wider Aprea 10/12 models weighs less (about 10t) and for this is also easier on consumption Looking at 4 to 4.5 liters per nm.
They are usually powered with D6-330 or 370.


Well-known member
10 Apr 2011
Boat- Western Med
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I visited the factory back in Nov 14 .Under mt vesuvius Naples . Bit of of a chequered history .Old Italian family run firm recently bought out by the Ferretti bros ( the ApreaMare brand ) and then for unexpectedly reason re purchased back within 24 months by the very same family members back off the Ferretti bros .No ones totally sure exactly sure what happended Behind the scenes ? I conclude some one made another an offer the other they couldn’t refuse in a Neapolitan way…...
For a brief moment under the ferretti bros they transferred Itama manufacturing to Naples in the Apreamare site .
Thats my connection.My boat had a going over with them before hand over inc fuel @ €1 / L cash of course .
How ever the other boats on the hard , in the factory the Apreamares where incredibly well built by artisan craftmen
Impressive really the quality .
Good old fashioned quality boat building by a “family”: ;)dynasty .