anyone charter - why, how, tips and wrinkles


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11 Sep 2001
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On my dream list, is to become qualified (whatever that means), and one day charter my own boat on the East Coast (uk).
Anyone do it?
Can one make a living at it (especially on East Coast)
How do you go about planning it.
There seem to be a lot of very talented, and bright people entering this forum, yet I usually feel they all sail as a hobby and I think if they don't charter (and are yet obviously qualified enough to do so) then is there any hope for me. Or do they just have super careers with huge salaries?
Is a living of £29K a year out of the question, or £15K a year if think of it as a seasonal thing?
Any replys welcome, but please not too rude - I'm sensitive don't you know.


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11 Jan 2002
Cowes. Isle of Wight
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The problem with chartering is being nice to the customers. If you really want to do this take a part time job in a pub and see how the punters treat you, you will be surprised at the attitude of some people to their fellows who are offering them a service.
I have sailed a boat, as a favour, for coporate entertainment. Most of the punters were good news. But I remember the day I took out eight people none of whom sailed. It got a bit windy in the afternoon and some of the girls got decidely hysterical. Not very funny. I also had the two prats who thought they knew all about sailing on windy day when their compatriots, who did not sail, were scared out of their wits. very hard to balance the charter so every one enjoys it. and then of course you are cook, bottle washer, housemaid and cleaner up after people have been sick.
I do know people who are fully employed in charter situations and they do anything for pleasure except sail. My advice would be if you want to carry on enjoying your sailing stick to the day job

Chris Stannard


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16 May 2001
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Profit? As a rough guide look at spending 20% of your takings on marketing and a further 20% on maintainence and running costs. Then think about the wear on the boat and its increased depreciation then think about how much you will earn. Will it be enough with a six month season in the UK?. Will you get it fully booked all season. It is very difficult but not impossible with just one boat.
Not trying to put you off, just adding a little realism.


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2 Jun 2001
Kent and Solent U.K.
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Yep, we run a charter boat, so if you enjoy sailing forget your dream. We don't have time to go sailing, its all work, work, work, keeping the boat up to scratch. Non profit making, you just about cover your costs of running it, if you're lucky.

Have a look through the code of practice requirements, that should dampen your ardour and empty your piggy bank.



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