Anchoring rights


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2 Jul 2005
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Funnily enough, the issue appears to be with male skippers, statistically, there is only one identified as female, that suggests to me perhaps I should avoid all boats with male skippers as the risk of collision is greater, oh, sorry, am I being nugatory. Answers on a postcard please . . .

The skippers might have been male, but the boats were female :).

Another nugatory comment to add to the mix (and just a joke BTW).


1 Sep 2010
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Just caught up with this thread as back from busy Ionian. Like many others I used to just stare at yachts coming into the anchorage near me or walk to the bow to check my anchor purposefully. Then I tried a busy anchorage and got the stare from a boat continuously after anchoring; I was tired and ended up moving as thought I might be too close. Swore then I wouldn't do that to other boats. So now I smile and wave and if asked, which is common, show where my anchor is and tell how much I have down. Happy to help and that protects my boat as well. Sometimes I say "I don't think that's going to work for you" if they are really too close. If that approach fails, I'll up anchor and relay.
Even in Lakka the other night it was very busy but everyone seemed to find room. No storm that night though. Fortunate that in Greece you can swim to check anchors so that's reassuring.
Happy anchoring!!


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22 Nov 2009
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Busy anchorage in Greece--- everybody (special charter) reads the same book--- Heikel... :disgust:
I also read it but just to avoid those places.
Yesterday in Meganissi- alone all night (from 8pm till 10am) in a beautifull bay on the east side of the island.
But if you look Abelike etc... totaly crowded and all on the same spot.


5 Nov 2009
Home UK Midlands / Boat Croatia
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Busy anchorage in Greece--- everybody (special charter) reads the same book--- Heikel... :disgust:
I also read it but just to avoid those places.
Yesterday in Meganissi- alone all night (from 8pm till 10am) in a beautifull bay on the east side of the island.
But if you look Abelike etc... totaly crowded and all on the same spot.

I know that bay very well. My Wife and I call it Rats Retreat.

Whatever you do, don't use shorelines. :(



Well-known member
1 Dec 2005
Aground in Yorkshire awaiting a very high tide
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...Even in Lakka...very busy but everyone seemed to find room...

'Busy' is not always the problem: Mid-March 2012 (yes it was bl00dy cold!) we anchored in Lakka late one afternoon and the only other boat in there was 200m away on a mooring towards that small quay on the east shore. Around 18:00 another yacht - Charter with half a dozen Polish lads aboard - motored in and which we watched make two laps of the bay before dropping their anchor (none of that digging it in malarkey) and drop back on perhaps 30-40' of chain, settling in for the night directly on and less than 50' from our bow. We were so gobsmacked that rather than complain, we just burst out laughing, then setting our beers aside we put some fenders on and pushed them aside under engine as we upped our anchor and moved across the bay; it was one of those moments when we both felt that it was beyond discussion/explanation.


1 Jun 2009
Frankfurt / Montreux
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Which field was it on Silba, I cannot see whether he respected the 150m. distance to the mooring field. We don't see either what happened before and what led the guy to loose control. True, that Croats can have a quite sanguine temperament. Luckily the Italian remained calm. Did the Kapetanija bother to show up afterwards?

I could cut his boat in half with my 2x425hp. But either all his pals from the village will turn up or I'll end in prison, because a Croat court will always take party for its nationals. Always. I think I would have reacted like the Italian. Just letting him do until he calms down.

The atmosphere in Croatia has been deteriorating for some time. And my first season there was in 2010 only, but I already left in 2014. Still, Croatia remains one of my preferred cruising ground and I like the Croats.


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22 Nov 2009
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Whatever happened before or however we answer your's and other questions there is only one answer: he shouldn't react like that.
He should call Port police (Kapetanija in CRO) or Police...

I keep my boat in Croatia but I sail every summer to Greece.
Of course morons are everywhere but Croatia still has a lot of problem with unemployment and PTSD (post traumatic stress with ex soldiers).
Mix that with chaos the state is in and very strong nationalism and you get what you see on that video. That is not the only recording of such a violent behaviour.

Island Silba is still a big problem. Bay "Mul" on the east side of the island has or better to say: had moorings in the small harbour but the guy taking care of that did not get along with the guy collecting money for buoys out of the harbour. Or was it opposite. Does not matter. They are crazy.
Croatia coastline with its islands is beautiful but unfortunately people are not.


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22 Nov 2009
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Maybe I should open another thread "Croatia and its problems" but this is todays news from the biggeat Croatian! newspaper: a former general was swinging a machette on the beach in island Korčula making familes run... He cut the sunumbrellas etc... throw them in the sea...
You see- that what I was talking about yesterday! They still think they are in the war...
And it seems they are- with the turists

Just be carefull there...


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5 Dec 2013
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Whatever happened before or however we answer your's and other questions there is only one answer: he shouldn't react like that.
He should call Port police (Kapetanija in CRO) or Police...

I keep my boat in Croatia but I sail every summer to Greece.
Of course morons are everywhere but Croatia still has a lot of problem with unemployment and PTSD (post traumatic stress with ex soldiers).
Mix that with chaos the state is in and very strong nationalism and you get what you see on that video. That is not the only recording of such a violent behaviour.

Island Silba is still a big problem. Bay "Mul" on the east side of the island has or better to say: had moorings in the small harbour but the guy taking care of that did not get along with the guy collecting money for buoys out of the harbour. Or was it opposite. Does not matter. They are crazy.
Croatia coastline with its islands is beautiful but unfortunately people are not.

I agree. There is no excuse for the behaviour of the mooring guy. It could have resulted in severe damages to the boat and physical injuries to people.
It also appear that the boat was outside the mooring field.