Anchor Specs


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22 Aug 2005
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Can anyone direct me to a source that shows recommended weights of various anchors for boat size (LOA 32')? Have found Bruce site but would like to consider other options. I currently have a 15kg CQR which is a good anchor but is too bulky to fit in anchor locker and a pig to thread through the guard wires into the bow roller. Only have a single bow roller so have to remove everytime on swinging mooring.

Salty John

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6 Sep 2004
I think you have the right anchor for the job. You are not going to find anything significantly less cumbersome. A 10kg Delta might make it all a bit easier, but the object is to have an anchoring system in which you have confidence, not just one that stows easily. Could you arrange things so the anchor stays on the bow roller, or lashed on deck? Pity to spend a lot of money for marginal improvement and maybe a less effective anchoring system.


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23 Jul 2005
London and Brittany
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Not the neatest arrangement but my CQR sits on some special shaped chocks on the fore deck where it's ready for instant use when things go pear-shaped [as they sometimes do].


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16 May 2001
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I join the 'you have the right anchor' team.

You could use a much lighter one as a lunch hook - 7kg delta, fortress, spade rocna etc, and possibly an aluminum spade at that weight as a main.


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20 Jun 2005
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MCA code advises this.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just a quick work-out has 32fter or 9.7mts + 1/2 waterline length (assuming 8mt WL) which is 4 making 13.7. The table is saying at 14mts you need a 24kg main anchor and 10mm chain.

Am I reading this right or did someone lose the plot when writing it?

Mind you MCA does not allow any sort of metal in Monkeys Fists so the person catching the line does not get KOed. Golf balls are perfectly fine. Anyone like getting hit in the head with golf balls?? I think not....


As Twisterowner ......


Yes I know many have seen this before - but it is relevant and some may not have.

I believe in the biggest anchor that can be handled - that is in weight and physical dimensions .... I am against lightweight alloy, plastic etc. as weight is a serious factor that aids when the anchor only partly digs in due to bottom etc. It's no good having large flukes if they don't dig in.

I do not ask my wife or lighter people to handle the anchor as its not so easy ... I agree. But I have had no trouble over all the years I've been on boats "chucking" the hook over ...

The anchor is secured by small lanyards with slip knots for quick release ..... in event of emergency - it can even be thrown through the rail there and not bother with right forward .... slight damage yes to toe-rail maybe - but anchor is over and saving you.

I understand peoples want to find best solutions - but in doing that I advise do not skimp on weight and size .... a lot of tables are undersized in IMHO .... dangerously in some cases. Made even more dangerous by the rope to anchor brigade ....

There is no substitute for "kilos" !!


Well-known member
23 Jul 2005
London and Brittany
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Re: As Twisterowner ......

That's almost identical to my foredeck arrangement except I don't have the windlass and the anchor and chain pipe are further aft.

I have a Lofrans Royal windlass like that waiting to be installed this winter. I'd be interested to know if your chain is "self-stowing" with that type of chain pipe located ahead of the windlass.


Re: As Twisterowner ......

The windlass is manual and some chain does stow ok - but locker is not so good and its necessary to have someone just knock the pile over now and again ...
Normally I hand the chain and windlass is left out - but have used it and lead is ok ....
The chain comes down through dedck and via a spiral form pipe to the locker ... so that crud etc. doesn't get into cabin water is not shed everywhere ....

The anchor is I think 25lbs ... but probably more as its quite big ......... not there to read the shank so can't be certain ...


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20 Jun 2005
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It's the person who transposed it from the blue book to the blue moments website.

It should read (Loa+Lwl)/2

Which would be maybe 9+8 = 17 / 2 = 8.5m

Main anchor=11Kg

[/ QUOTE ]

I think you could be right, that makes a lot more sense and is a reasonable size.


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
You should consider joining nitpickers anonymous . . .

The values given in the table clearly show that the formula is obviously (LOA + LWL)/2 and yes, I should have put the brackets in.

I wouldn't have expected anyone to ignore the valuues in the table and instead work it out for themselves . . . however, for the easily confused the error has now been rectified.

Hope you aren't going to sue me for a cream-crackered back after lifitng an over-specified anchor . . . web publishing is a dangerous business these days.

- Nick


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20 Jun 2005
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You should consider joining nitpickers anonymous . . .

The values given in the table clearly show that the formula is obviously (LOA + LWL)/2 and yes, I should have put the brackets in.

I wouldn't have expected anyone to ignore the valuues in the table and instead work it out for themselves . . . however, for the easily confused the error has now been rectified.

Hope you aren't going to sue me for a cream-crackered back after lifitng an over-specified anchor . . . web publishing is a dangerous business these days.

- Nick

[/ QUOTE ]

I would not have called it nitpicking but Thank you all the same.
From everyone easliy confused :)


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6 Jan 2005
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Sorry if I have again a different opinion:

The holding power of an anchor has very little to do with its weight...

Holding is more related to the efficient surface area and to the shape of this surface...

So take the LARGEST anchor you can, but not the heaviest!!!...


To Hylas ...

I do not wish to be rude and make this statement in all fair and honest opinion ....

Many times you have quoted tests and findings along with your advice that fluke area and rope rodes are for anchoring. That Chain and Anchor weight are not the most important factors.

You ands I have have had various to / fros on this subject via these forums and I say now :

Large surface area is great if the anchor digs in - then it will COMPENSATE for lack of weight as well as give holding due to surface area.
BUT if the anchor is on hard ground and does not dig in completely - then your light anchor will have no other means to assist the rode to hold the boat..... my photo here indicating such situation ... anchor only partly dug in - but still along with the chain held the boat .... anchor is just ahead of the keels ...


A heavy anchor on the other hand will have a) more weight to help it break into the ground, b) weight will assist with the holding no matter how small.....

Let's go further ..... Greater surface area and lighter weight ... will cause the anchor to "ride" the water down to the ground - rather than strike the ground - not assisting the digging in. A smaller but heavier anchor may just break into ground better than a larger area which may have resistance to digging in ...

Sorry but I still maintain that reliance on "lightweight" anchors, and especially when allied with the rope rodes you often advise, are positively dangerous and I really would not wish another to anchor near me with such set-up.

I know I have said before - along with many others .... hundreds of years cannot be wrong - there is no substitute for weight .....

Ponder this when advising ..... The different types of ground that anchors are asked to hold in ... In fact an easy dug into sand bottom when loose can be tricky for ALL anchors and a light one especially ....

I expect that you will now throw out the ..... But XXX Magazine published tests etc. etc. ............... sorry but I have not seen any test written up that gives me impression of actually mirroring real-life ... eg : They have tried anchors and rodes on beaches with small tractor pulling and "imitating" a boat ... poppy-cock !! Not possible as the tractor is not at a catenary and height above the anchor sufficiently etc.

It really boils down to one anchor will fair well in one situation, another in another situation .... There is no single anchor for all ... despite any suggestion on your or anyones else's part .... they are all compromises. And I prefer not to compromise on weight or size thankyou.