Alpha Drive Power Steering


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18 Aug 2001
North Lincolnshire
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My repower project has progressed to the point where I lifted the new Mercruiser D1.7L into the now very roomy engine bay, ready to align to the alpha drive, and fit all the ancilliaries.

The power steering kit supplied with the unit is a separate 'retro-fit' type arrangement, with a replacement pulley being supplied to take the additional PS pump drive from the engine. This got me thinking......

What with only one of these units in my previously twin Birchwood, I'm keen on keeping all the power I can, and not giving away a bit to an extra pump. In fact, is the '116 bhp at the prop' with or without the PS pump, or does it make that much difference?

My old twin BM's were steered solely by unassisted wheel and cable, and didn't seem to be too heavy. Does the Alpha drive set up need more effort to turn? Do I need PS on a 27' cruiser, or is it only a real benefit when your towing a water skier from a 17ft sports boat?

Anybody got any experience of assisted/non-assisted steering on a similar engine/drive package?

<hr width=100% size=1><font color=blue>Oh well, maybe next weekend....</font color=blue>


Well-known member
11 Jun 2002
Tesla in Space
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When my serpentine belt went several weekends ago, and consequently power steering gone, my alpha was an absolute pig to manhandle.

<hr width=100% size=1>Err, let me know if Depsol enters the forum, I'll go and hide