New member
Hi, I have a 1978 Sadler 25 sailing boat. Last year we had a new 14hp Beta Marine engine professionally fitted by a boatyard in Kinsale, Ireland. He wasn't happy with the existing fuel tank (corrosion) and so he fitted a new 30ltr plastic tank down low centre stern of the boat. We was bringing her in past the head, Kinsale under power because the wind had died and there was maybe 3 metre swells when the engine failed. We had a worrying time, because the engine refused to start, but when the engine was primed she started and performed well. Ya man at the boatyard said he thought the swell had swished the fuel in the 25% full tank causing the feed pipe to suck in air.
The original tank was fitted high to the stern starboard side and had a pipe from the bottom where as the new tank has a fuel feed pipe exiting the top of the tank. I can understand that that the old fuel tank would not have this problem but surely there must be a way to stop this happening with the new set up, otherwise you would see boats being tossed about out of control all over the shop.
Does anybody know how to stop this happening again?
The original tank was fitted high to the stern starboard side and had a pipe from the bottom where as the new tank has a fuel feed pipe exiting the top of the tank. I can understand that that the old fuel tank would not have this problem but surely there must be a way to stop this happening with the new set up, otherwise you would see boats being tossed about out of control all over the shop.
Does anybody know how to stop this happening again?