Fr J Hackett
Ever thought of building one?
Building one in Spain would require a masters in paperwork………and I don’t have the skills,can do boats up,well bodge them?Ever thought of building one?
You are as ever a gentlemen in politenessThanks for your considered opinion,you may be right
Arrangements in had to view next week?You are as ever a gentlemen in politeness
And good luck with The Search …
Classic. I have sold my boat and am missing sailing something rotten. But common sense tells me that I dont need the worry, the maintenance of owning one. It also reminds me how rarely that idyllic sail with an offshore breeze of 10kn bright sunshine, war,m air actually happens and how often its the complete opposite with a 20kn northerly in the teath as you round Lands End in March. I'll probably still buy another. Stupid really.Getting pretty close to actually owning a boat and having done so previously over many years this latest venture. will stir me from my armchair and iPad s to confront the reality.But before I make the final step I still have doubts about the whole boat owning thing and weighing up the good bits against the bad bits that I know will come with a secondhand boat.All the gizmos that have worked perfectly for the previous owner start to fail.There is still time to step back and carry on gardening and live vicariously engine problems,leaks worrying knocking noises and howling gales at two in the morning wondering if the”boat” is alright..??
Obviously not the only one?Classic. I have sold my boat and am missing sailing something rotten. But common sense tells me that I dont need the worry, the maintenance of owning one. It also reminds me how rarely that idyllic sail with an offshore breeze of 10kn bright sunshine, war,m air actually happens and how often its the complete opposite with a 20kn northerly in the teath as you round Lands End in March. I'll probably still buy another. Stupid really.