AC lethargy?


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20 May 2002
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Is anyone here watching the America's Cup or even remotely interested in it? Aside from the poor start due to weather it's a chance to see the world's best crews and racing technology in action but I can't even see one mention of it here. I know most of you are cruisers and don't have much interest in racing but c'mon guys. No wonder the UK can't drag it's sorry arse into gear to put a campaign together with the lack of interest here.

There isn't even a forum as far as I can see which is astonishing given the ridiculous proliferation of forums on ybw. For christ sake we've even got forums on pantomines and football and sailing across the channel without GPS. But a world-class event like the AC doesn't get a mention. Presumably cos there isn't a UK entry.

And if there's no interest in a UK entry cos people think it takes too long then check out what the South African's have achieved in short time. Shosholoza is genuinely knocking on the door of 'the big 4'. Makes the lack of UK entry even more shameful. I just don't geddit. No doubt plenty of excuses and reasons why not but it just doesn't make sense guys.

As a brit living in NZ where we're sitting up all hours of the night with pots of coffee to see the live action it seems such a waste not to see a GBR boat at least having a go.


Well-known member
24 Mar 2004
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Agree with you 100%

Though personally I'd change the format a bit and include some fleet racing in the Louis Vitton. That was the most awe inspiring part of the acts!

Barr Avel

14 Mar 2004
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I am actually really enjoying watching it... which has come as a suprise as I don't normally like racing. Have even convinced other half that a trip to Valencia next month would be a great weekend break. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif Agree with you that it has been strangely low profile here.

But then look at the lack of any kind of racing coverage in the mags in the UK, and compare it to the way the racing is covered in a French cruising mag like Voile et Voiliers. There is obviously a perceived disinterest in racing from both the cruising community in the UK & the general public. And to confirm that even the otherwise excellent BBC new website hide sailing a long way down the menu structure, with only one submenu: Ellen MacArthur!



New member
23 Jan 2005
Us: Kent; Emjaytoo: Holland; Kate: Conyer Creek
Seems we can only get it on Sky Sport subscription channel and I cancelled the subscription to Sky Sport because no one in the house watched football! Now wish I hadn't. Every morning I get to work and a collegue who is not really interested in sailing spends half an hour telling me how "brilliant the sailing was last night"



Well-known member
6 May 2005
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I passed a large part of my misspent youf hurtling round the ocean on kind and rich mens' yachts, and there was a a sort of purity about the racing and the endeavour.

The AC is a commercially-based travesty of an honest game, and I cannot for a minute imagine that any of the money thrown into the design, development, and operation of these boats comes directly from the pockets of owners; it will all be a tax benefit, written off as advertising / public relations, in the hope of selling crassly over-priced computer systems, seaside resorts, or cuckoo clocks.

For every minute spent sailing, there must be a thousand spent in a committee room or sales jamboree. It is TEDIOUS, and you only have to read the daily YBW report to see how empty of life the AC is, and that doesn't even get me started on the ethics of spending that kind of money on something so ephemeral and lacking in substance.

C'est magnifique, mais ce n'est pas la guerre !


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20 May 2002
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Even if you have never understood the technicalities of a match racing start I defy anyone here not to be utterly captivated by something like yesterday's encounter between ETNZ and Shosholoza. It was a beautiful piece of ballet watching ETNZ close down the S African's in the pre-start, bascially holding them in irons as NZL92 sailed circles around them for most of the countdown. Awesome.

I was actually late leaving home for quite an important meeting cos I was mesmorised by the breakfast news highlights but when I explained why I was late the first 5 mins of the meeting turned into a sailing discussion. That's the way that a country gets behind a team.


Well-known member
24 Mar 2004
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The AC is a commercially-based travesty of an honest game, and I cannot for a minute imagine that any of the money thrown into the design, development, and operation of these boats comes directly from the pockets of owners; it will all be a tax benefit, written off as advertising / public relations, in the hope of selling crassly over-priced computer systems, seaside resorts, or cuckoo clocks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Given the vast budgets consumed by the designing and building these boats, and the staggering amount that they spend on sails, wages etc it isn't really suprising that the AC has become a corporate game. It is all about the very best. After all, the head shed at ferarri doesn't drive their F1 car does he?
There are still plenty of owners spending private money on racing campaigns, chief among which at the moment is the TP52s, and good on them. I know if I was spending that amount on a racing campaign I'd want to drive too.


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18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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I halved our subsciptionas its effectively free or I have to pay for the Sky+ box an extra amount.

Unfortunately I went for Sky sport 1 not 2!! Is it shown on any other channel than Sky Sport 2?


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1 Apr 2003
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Is Sky the only option?

I'm an ex racer so like to watch racing whenever I can on the telly, but cannot find anything on the normal digital channels. Or maybe there is some late night show that I've missed cause I can't program the DVD recorder.


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16 May 2001
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I don't have to bother about watching it as I cannot recieve a good signal from sky unless I decided to mount a dish on a high tower or other contraption. My house is only 10 miles north of Edinburgh.

We have freeview and no subscription.

I find the lack of programme choice very satisfying and we have much more time to get on with our lifes.



Active member
20 May 2002
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The AC is a commercially-based travesty of an honest game, and I cannot for a minute imagine that any of the money thrown into the design, development, and operation of these boats comes directly from the pockets of owners; it will all be a tax benefit, written off as advertising / public relations, in the hope of selling crassly over-priced computer systems, seaside resorts, or cuckoo clocks.

[/ QUOTE ]

Given the vast budgets consumed by the designing and building these boats, and the staggering amount that they spend on sails, wages etc it isn't really suprising that the AC has become a corporate game. It is all about the very best. After all, the head shed at ferarri doesn't drive their F1 car does he?
There are still plenty of owners spending private money on racing campaigns, chief among which at the moment is the TP52s, and good on them. I know if I was spending that amount on a racing campaign I'd want to drive too.

[/ QUOTE ]

Which makes it no different to any many other chequebook-dominated sport e.g. F1, Golf, Football...... If you want the best you need to pay for it. Why expect the sport of sailing to be any different? I certainly wouldn't be so excited to watch match racing between 'last year's' technology. Bring it on and may the combined team with the best boats, sails, crew, skipper, weather info, technology, management support, sponsorship and a touch of luck.... WIN!