It's a reasonably common occurance in the fine art and furniture transport world. People are forever ordering custom made sofas that won't fit into their homes without removing door frames etc.
During the time we lived in Aberdeen my childrens' musical skills improved enormously, so we sold the small electronic organ that we took there with us and brought back a far better one. It would not fit inside the house, so they practised in the garage for a while until I had a patio door installed in the lounge.It's a reasonably common occurance in the fine art and furniture transport world. People are forever ordering custom made sofas that won't fit into their homes without removing door frames etc.
rocket propulsion?Does the phrase: "so I motioned it out of Paignton harbour" imply a looseness of bowels?
It's a reasonably common occurance in the fine art and furniture transport world. People are forever ordering custom made sofas that won't fit into their homes without removing door frames etc.
Back in the 50s , my father built a little pram dinghy for my use in the sitting room
Back when I was a student in the early 80s, my neighbour in Southampton, a butcher in Burgess road, built a home made yacht behind his shop. I'm sure Bajansailor will remember it.
When the day came to take the boat off to be launched, he discovered that although one end of the gap between the buildings was wide enough (the end he had measured, obviously), the other end was not.....
He ended up having to hire a massive crane to lift it over the building.
Turned both on their side similar to the one in the photo. My elder brother moaned about having to look after one end for the first but I was man enough to safely steer the cadet, out of the house and also on the water.Did you flood the sitting room, or did you fit castors to the dinghy?