A Rant- Time To Go?


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30 Jun 2004
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I live in Japan. I'm a teacher in a high school. I have just discovered that there is a change brewing in my schedule - albeit I have not been told directly and instead heard it off the ricevine.
Facts about Japanese teachers.
They work and then they die. They even work in the summer vacation. I have never stooped to this. Teachers are not meant to work in the summer vacation. It is unnatural.
Next year our school will add on a junior high. I have offered to increase my class schedule so that I can 'catch' the youngsters whilst their ears are still keen to learn a bit of English.[The Japanese education system pulverizes the study of English and very few kids end up being able to speak English - even after 6 solid years of study]
Blah. Well, I've heard that the guy in charge of the new school is expecting me to RUN A SUMMER SCHOOL. No bloody way.
The winds of change are blowing.
I refuse to become one of them.
Life is too short and wonderful to give it up for a bunch of summer school classes.

Is this a sign that I have to move on and get on a boat next April?

Sorry for the rant. I feel comfort within this site and therefore dumped my thoughts here.

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24 Jul 2003
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Sounds like you don't like work and can afford not to work - most of the rest of us have to work through the summer and cannot afford not to. So it would seem that it is a sure sign that you should be sailing and not working.


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30 Jun 2004
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I love my job. I've been doing it for 12 years. I just don't want to turn into somebody who does unnecessary work. Unnecessary work is a big thing in Japan. I am not rich. I am unhindered by responsibilities for others. That makes me rich in that it makes me free. The free have more chances to do the things that they want in life, and lots of money to do such things isn't always a prerequisite. Freedom is.
Actually, my post was written hot-off-the-hothead-press and it was dramatic rather than pragmatic. I won't work in the summer. I can always find an alternative job where my vacations are safe and secure.
I just felt a jolt to my life that is distasteful and is one that needs to be put to rest before it bothers me even more.
Hence, I will find the teacher concerned with this idea and tell him what I am prepared to do[extra classes within term time] and what I am not prepared to do[work in vacation time]

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15 Apr 2004
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Many years ago I knew a guy who went to Japan to teach English and ended up being self employed on short contracts either with private tuition for kids (with wealthy parents) or corporate translation coaching, earned loads, had lots of hols...probably retired at 40...is that still possible in Japan?
I totally agree, working for someone else whos not happy when you take 6 months off for sailing us just not acceptable!

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5 Jul 2004
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Why worry, just say goodbye and thanks for all the fish, there are plenty of boats out there and plently of places to go.

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30 Jun 2004
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Thanks for the responses. I felt a bit silly for having posted my rant in this wonderful forum and thought that I looked rather spoilt and selfish.
However, I have been spoilt with 13 weeks vacation ever since I graduated and can't imagine having my hols encroached upon!
I hunted down the teacher involved in this new schedule thang and told him that I would commit seppuku before I ever gave up vacation time! I think he got the gist.

To the poster who asked about the lifestyle over here - yes, it is still possible to do what your friend did. English will never lose it's cool status over here and the Japanese will never be any good at learning it in high school, so there are still plenty of opportunities for the getting such work.

I'm off to South Africa tomorrow for 7 weeks and will do a crewing course in Cape Town in August. Will report on it when I come back.

Mata ne!

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