Left the boat afloat so we can enjoy winter cruising. Windspeed today 4.7k gusting to 6.5k. Think I'll chance it. New to the forum although I have been a visitor for a couple of months. Happy New Year to all of you.
Windspeed today 4.7k gusting to 6.5k. Think I'll chance it.
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Um, yer having a laugh surely? /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif In a Sealine S38! No problems! If you'd said 15-20 knts gusting 25 then I'd have perhaps said fair enough.
And a Happy New Year to you /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif And welcome to the forum "proper"
Just back from the marina. All boats OK. just one or two tarp. covers riped. But the pontoons particularly the jetty my boat's berthed on, we had to secure the 100 metre pontoon with ropes to the shore. Where the pontoon sections are bolted together, one of the main steel 'U' sections has been torn each side of the connecting plates. (installed new last spring) The seabed concrete anchors held, but some of the connecting chain and ropes didnt, in a couple of places. Its +5c and still gusty from the SE.
Have a good New Year!!