3 month trip


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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I will hopefully be doing a three month trip from Hamble to all points south starting mid June 2004. Furthest so far has been St Malo with holidays limited to 9 days! Initial thoughts are to go quickly through Brittany as could go there at a future date in say a 3 to 4 week break but intend to try to visit the more interesting ports going south. We like to cycle/walk round most places for a day or two. We will have fold up cycles. It would be nice to stick our nose into the Mediterranean before time forces our return for mid september. We would like to do a quicker return trip. Intention is not to sail in bad weather (stay in port) so that whole trip is an enjoyable experience for SWMBO and hopefully the start of a new life style with longer periods of sailing interupted by the necessity of working for more loot! Can others that have followed a similar wondering path suggest a list of their favourite ports to visit. In addition are there some ports that we should avoid. I have noticed on this Forum the need to have original ships papers for France and use anchor/motorsailing day signs for Portugal. Do we need translated Insurance documents for Spain and is Insurance available for crossing the Bay of Biscay in summer for only 2 people. Any advice on pitfalls, things to avoid/be careful of would be gratefully appreciated.

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26 May 2003
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Planned a trip to Spain last year - in the event spent 10 days weather bound in padstow before running out of time and retreating suitably ashamed. When I changed my insurance (with GJW) from UK coastal i was sent a spanish certificate. To get insured for a 2 handed crossing of Biscay( coast hopping, not straight across) i had to submit a sailing cv for me and crew. No exceptional experience so shouldn't be a problem as long as you can both sail competently.

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12 Sep 2002
costa del gosport
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you must go ilas cias off spanish west coast and the town that is on the border of spain and portugal ( i forget the name) if you walk to the top of the hill there you get interesting old civilisations to look at and good cake when you get to the top!

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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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My favourites - Ouessant,Les Glenans, Houat, Belle Ile (Sauzon), Ile d'Yeu, Ile de Re. All good for bikes. Belle Ile biggest with most hills, other mainly flat.

Cant comment further south than La Rochelle as we have never had sufficient time.

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16 May 2001
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while heading for the canaries we particularly enjoyed the spanish rias (around la coruna), lisbon and the algarve.

beware trying to cover too much ground. our pre-trip estimates for time spent in each area were generally way under.

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