2011 Thames Registration Chaos at the EA


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3 May 2011
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I purchased a boat on the 12th April and sent of my cheque and papers to register it. 3 weeks later I am still waiting for a reply.
I finally managed to get through to the EA by phone and it seems that it will be another 2 weeks before I get my registration.

A month to register a boat seems extremely inefficient to me.
The lady at the EA blames the delays on the number of changes that the EA of implemented. I have some sympathy with the staff that have to deal with the mess, but surely their management were aware of the changes and could have made plans to cope?

Every time we go out, we are approached by lock-keepers and made to fill in forms. Not to mention being threatened with enormous fines. I understand that the EA also have enforcement people at work along the river.

Surely the EA and can come up with a better short-term process, whilst they deal with the back log?

Apparently, hundreds of boaters are effected. I am wondering what other peoples experiences have been.
Its tempting to cancel the cheque and move the boat down to Chatham just so that we can enjoy are boating in peace.


Well-known member
30 Apr 2004
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It seems

that the Ea is a victim of its own success. Having maintained a relaxed policy in prior years and flushed with their "new" powers, they have banged their drum loudly, with the result that hordes of owners who have previously paid up when they get a sufficiency of "round to-its" have been shocked into a rush of activity - hence the backlog (Registrations should have been paid in January).

The first lock-keeper who spotted you should have issued with a form; present this to each subsequent lockie who will annotate it and hand it back.

If you volunteer it at each lock before you're asked, it should be complete and handed back to you before the lock is "ready".

Don't vent your spleen at the lockie - it's not his fault and he has no options. That way there is no hassle for anyone and your trip should not be spoilt.
Boating should be FUN.


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23 Oct 2007
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Yes , i was very surprised to read that you have to fill in forms every time you go out !

As TB has mentioned , you should have been issued with an UR at the first lock you came to once you were noticed not to be displaying a licence.

You then hand it over and the lockie will sign and date it for you at each lock.


New member
6 May 2011
Ascot, Berkshire
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I am in the same boat too (pardon the terrible pun !) having sent my renewal application off on April 5th. I still hav't received it yet, so phoned the EA this afternoon. An appologetic gentleman explained the massive backlog problem they were having, and were today processing "April 7th" post, and in light of this I should receive my licence any day now.
So, I guess we use the 30-day yardstick then ?


New member
3 May 2011
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thanks for your advice everyone.
It seems that the poor lockie's are as fed up with this as everyone else.
Perhaps they can get an online system set up for next year, so we can upload our forms, make a payment and print off a receipt that we can show.
I realise now that my boat should have been registered by the previous owner, while it was sitting for sale in the marina. Live and learn!


Well-known member
30 Apr 2004
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Perhaps they can get an online system set up for next year, so we can upload our forms, make a payment and print off a receipt that we can show.

Good heavens, that indeed would be revolutionary!

Given that there is a certain amount of gloom and doom around in view of the possible transfer to charitable status, then I can't see EA wanting to spend money on an improved computer system - even if it made a contribution to operation cost savings.

It would be interesting to know what EA have in mind under the harmonisation power that they now have.


Well-known member
29 Jul 2001
Just a few cables from Boulters Lock
thanks for your advice everyone.
It seems that the poor lockie's are as fed up with this as everyone else.
Perhaps they can get an online system set up for next year, so we can upload our forms, make a payment and print off a receipt that we can show.
I realise now that my boat should have been registered by the previous owner, while it was sitting for sale in the marina. Live and learn!

Did you see THIS POST I put up late yesterday Alan?

Re the possibility of an online system I suspect much will depend on availability of funds - even such an apparently easy task requires allocation of skilled labour resources which cost money - and don't forget, this is a governmental department we are talking about so cross billing means they effectively pay even when its a different department within the same organisation doing the work.


16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Did you see THIS POST we are talking about so cross billing means they effectively pay even when its a different department within the same organisation doing the work.

Cross billing can be a nightmare for government departments and 'official' bodies. We have several who come to us for typesetting and artwork. The cost is 80% cheaper and delivery is in a matter of hours rather than weeks than using internal facilities. I know of a certain local authority that makes their schools order their staff recruitment advertising via their Personnel Department. Net result is the School is paying circa 31% more than they need to than if they ordered from external sources.
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New member
3 May 2011
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Hi, thank you - I did see the message on the website. It does at least give some of us some peace of mind, although I would rather have had my letter acknowledged, so that I could have something to show.

My advice to anyone applying now would be to send their application by recorded delivery. That would at least provide some evidence.

If the EA cannot afford a computer system, perhaps they should allow the license to run for 12 months from the time it is purchased, similar to car tax. That way they would not have to deal with everyone applying at the same annual deadline and it would be fairer to boaters who buy, or move a boat to the thames during the year.

At the least the EA should have plenty of cash in it's coffers once they have caught up!


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9 Nov 2009
North East Hampshire
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Printed off forms and faxed them over with credit card details on the Tuesday last week and license arrived Saturday morning.Made one phone call to be sure they received it. No problem.