1988 Freeman 33 Tobago?????



Anybody know anything about a 1988 Freeman 33 I am looking at one to purchase. But cant find any info on it here in US. Looks good to me but never heard of one before. Thanx Chuck Greenwood


I thought Freeman's had ceased production of Freemans long before 1988. I can see no reference to a Tobago in any of my old reference books on Cruisers including the 1988 edition of BRISTOWS.


the freeman 33 tobago is a flybridge version of the freeman 33 sedan. expect engines to be 120 , 150 , 212 fords offering speeds upto 16 , 20 , 26 knots. there are a few sedans with 2.5 bmc diesels giving a top speed of 11.5 knots. production ended in 1983/4 (or it could be 82) so your boat may be a 78 model.you can prove this yourself by checking the plate that is riveted to the rear of the access panel to the fuses, this is located directly below the inside steering wheel the 33 has a very heavy lay up weight and a good standard of fitout. as long as the boat is kept watertight around windows and fittings the boats always stay in good condition. i have original sales litriture for the 33 sedan and tobago , next time i go down to the boat i'll scan a copy and email it to you.


Freemans ceased building boats in 1983, so the date on this boat must be wrong.

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