£500 fine for flying Cornish etc ensign

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10 Nov 2008
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Hi Drascomber,
I'm sure you will be made very welcome in Scottish waters, with your St George's Cross. Why wouldn't you be. Even better if you also have a courtsey Scottish Saltire at the starboard crosstrees as well. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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29 Dec 2006
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We (I) proudly fly the red duster aft. However, once SWMBO discovered the reason why we did, she promptly demanded her flag be flown as well. Not having cross-trees, it is after all only a motor cruiser dedicated to pollution and global warming, the only place to be found where we wouldn't trip over it was right up in the bow alongside the anchor winch. So, every trip out the red ensign is proudly flown off the taffrail, and the flag of the Philippines on the jackstaff in a socket at the bow. She feels that she owns half the boat anyway by virtue of being married to me and the flags ought to represent that position. This feeling naturally does not extend to actually doing anything on it of course, she says she just likes to ride! In the last 10 years only two passers-bye have actually asked about it, in one case it was recognised as an unknown national flag, in the other we were asked what yacht club it belonged to. Only on the River Wey, near our home mooring, did a little old lady, out for a constitutional, actually correctly identify it as the Philippine National flag. We have occasionally also had shouted greetings and waves from the bank from filipinos passing by but I discount them as you'd expect them to recognise it anyway. So much for all the foregoing posts about flags and what flags are flown where, in my experience very few actually notice, it's just a bit of colour these days. The only flag that ever draws any notice at all is when we are full of kids and fly the Jolly Roger aft and even then it is other kids who notice and point it out to their parents.


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17 Mar 2005
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I'm sorry, I just can't resist the opportunity to peel the onion that is (the aptly named) Anteak
Well I am not affronted by people not wishing to be lumped with me.

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So you admit to the "Bully England" generalisation?
Go home, go back to your empty tin mines and stale pasties, wear skirts, have relationships with sheep. .

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Ah, the bigot layer! What do we have,
"Go home"? I'm not in England, I'm in Scotland - this is typical of the Anglo-centric attitude I mentioned earlier. Also, before it gets mentioned, given your diatribe I'm well pleased that I never put my full location in my profile.
Then we have an allusion to past wealth now gone.
Disparaging another places quality of cuisine.
Belittling of national dress once banned by an English government.
And the Jewel in the Crown! A genuine aspersion on the sexual habits of "Not Englanders"!
Build the walls, lets have borders with armed guards, passports, visas. You keep your territory, I'll keep mine.

Hey, guess who will survive.

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Who mentioned territory etc.? And ESPECIALLY who mentioned survival? Are you thinking of declaring war?

Mr Anteak you are a WAG! Constructing all those clever little conceits!


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9 Dec 2004
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why don't people just except the law and be done with it, instead people try to add there own touch, this is why it all goes wrong.
ignorance is no excuse to break/bend the LAW

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Wear a small red ensign on the taffrail (even if it's not required) and a BFO battle $OTHER ensign from the crosstrees - that way you're showing that you're;
(a) Aware of the law, and
(b) Might not quite agree with it, even tho you're complying.

Google claims - extract from Admiralty Manual of Seamanship-1964 -
"In action, ships wear at least two ensigns in a conspicuous position."


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23 Nov 2006
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Now here we have a gentleman who hails from the southwest corner of the United Kingdom who is hailing the rights of Cornwall and the way Westminister is depriving them of financial support. Well I live in Norfolk Suffolk Borders and we are not selected for any special treatment. However I ask you Sir, you being a true Cornishman, and seemingly want seperatism from the rest of the nation, Why do you live in London, (England) and keep your boat in Southampton(England) when I say England of course I mean The UK.

The national ensign of the UK is the Red Ensign, we are all part of the UK, like it or lump it, can we now move on to somthing less destructive, like playing Marbles, we all seem to have lost them on this thread.


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28 Jan 2004
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My dear chap. It is you fringe dwellers who talk of separation - not me.

I have only used well accepted cliches about perceived national predilections. I did not invent them.

I talk of survival more in an economical sense than anything else - you are the one to apply the aggressive interpretation of declaring war.

Whatever your excuses for not completing your Bio, it is to me, a demonstation of yet more insecurity.

Finally, than you for alluding to my cleverness.


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23 Nov 2006
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Are you Winston S Churchill reincarnate? if so thank god for that and welcome. This thread wants a good orator.
By the way, is this one a record for both veiws and posts? If not I am sure the antagonists can keep it going.


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17 Mar 2005
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I have only used well accepted cliches about perceived national predilections. I did not invent them.

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Well that's all right then - you are blameless! /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Whatever your excuses for not completing your Bio, it is to me, a demonstation of yet more insecurity.

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Someone really needs to define "insecurity" here, I suspect you are applying it to "fear" in this instance, but I cannot think how that links to any other insecurities (for your words "yet more insecurity" read "other fears"), inferring, based on previous posts, fears on a national/cultural level: Fear of what, nationally or culturally?
I DO hate wooly cliches -
OOps... I just remembered your penchant for them!

Finally, than you for alluding to my cleverness.

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Woah! I see what you did there - that's clever! you turned sarcasm round on me - ASSUMING it to have been sincere.
ANOTHER clever conceit - you are a one!


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9 Dec 2004
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By the way, is this one a record for both veiws and posts? If not I am sure the antagonists can keep it going.

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I'll chuck some more fuel on the fire:
Apparently the appropriate action on observing a foreign warship wearing the UF as a courtesy ensign is for the most-senior RN officer in the vicinity to point out their error and, present them with an appropriately-sized white ensign, for the use thereof.

Almost makes one proud to be British. I don't think I've heard of OtherNations authorities saying "Sorry, old chap, you appear to have forgotten the correct flag, here, have my spare one"

Perhaps if those that object to inappropriate colours took the same approach...


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17 Mar 2005
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And to you also.

The pen is mightier than the sword but the other guys pen might be bigger than ones own. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


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23 Sep 2002
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Some people with inferiority complexes would cut off their own dicks just to be different

[/ QUOTE ] I thought this was compulsory in Scotland to facilitate the wearing of the kilt. Do you happen to know whether the knackers are left intact? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif


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17 Jan 2006
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Ultimately I think we just need an accepted and well promoted way of displaying proud regional identities in addition to rather than instead of the red ensign which we all have to wear when it really does matter i.e. when going foreign.
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