£156.20 Vodka and Tonic, just doesn't hold water!


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28 Jul 2002
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£156.20 Vodka and Tonic, just doesn\'t hold water!

I refer to my recent posting on this site for help with finding a suitable holding tank for my Raske and Van de Meyde, 69 toilets or heads if we're talking posh. The helpful advice I have received from other users of the forum has been has been astounding.

Just when I think I've got the details, the part numbers, the product numbers, the size, the fittings the bits and bobs and of course, THE ONLY STOCKIST in the world- well in the UK, at least, the only thing I have not got is a sense of humour.

E.C.SMITH have told me my posh piece of plastic potty extension is going to cost a crappy sum of £156.20 plus VAT. At this kind of price, apart from insulting my senses, it may well prevent me from ever wanting to go to the toilet ever again.

I know that this is rippoff Britain and I also know that some people take the P##s (all I want to do is collect some) but this is just going too far. It is after all, just a molded piece of plakky with a few fittings, I thought £60 would be expensive.

The only thing I know I can do, and Kim has given me express permission, is to vent my spleen with my fellow boaties. No reply necessary but feel free to co-vent if you feel the urge!!!


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7 Sep 2001
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Re: £156.20 Vodka and Tonic, just doesn\'t hold water!

You are talking about a very special piece of plastic!! OK, just do it yourself, with a few valves and a tank, you can do it, but it will still cost you a pretty penny, this is not just rip off britain, it's rip off british yachties!! Find out how much it costs in Holland, where they make the thing, R&M is a dutch company.


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28 Jul 2002
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Re: £156.20 Vodka and Tonic, just doesn\'t hold water!

Buffertank 25 litres Euro 221.50
Carriage Euro 29.00
Total 250. 50
Next Question, what's the exchange rate then, 'cause I dunno!


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28 Jul 2002
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Re: £156.20 Vodka and Tonic, just doesn\'t hold water!

So in essence then fellow sailors, I save just just enough to buy me and me mates a round of fish and chips! What aload of crap!

Now then.................. where did I put that 5 Gallon water bucket and those central heating valves.????


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29 Jun 2001
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Well sir, that\'s a lot more than £156.20

More like £167 - which just goes to show.

Accountants on beholding half a bath describe it as half empty, whilst salesmen describe it as half full.

£156.20 payment on a flight to palma may, by some, be considered a bargain - whilst a holding-tank...

Value is in the eye of the beholder.


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28 Jul 2002
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Re: Well sir, that\'s a lot more than £156.20

I couldn't agree more with you Sir.

Now that I have vented my spleen as I promised to KIM, I must now move in another direction, also as promised. I have to smell the roses.

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder, three cheers for our own ideas of beauty me hearties..Hip Hip........