Recent content by rosipeter

  1. R

    And for my next trick....I will saw this dinghy in half!!

    We built a Spindrift 10 nesting dinghy and didn't want to be bothered doing up nuts every time we put it together so we stole this idea for a connector: just in case the link doesn't work it's an L shape piece of metal on either side of...
  2. R

    Work in Algarve, Bonafide Companies?

    Bluewater warning Personally, I wouldn't let Bluewater within a mile of my boat, sure they are very helpful if you want them to source parts but I wouldn't let them do any fitting. Talk to people that have been around Portimao/Lagos for a few years and you will hear lots of horror stories...
  3. R

    Bedflex vs. drymat vs. anything else?

    We use these swimming pool type mats found cheap in Portugal (about 30 euros). They clip together and you can trim to size. The v-berth is very comfy and condensation free and the extras found a home in the bottom of our non-draining fridge.
  4. R

    Lay-up ashore between Lagos and Gib

    for cost Bruce's can't be beaten, it can be a bit interesting getting in and out though. If you anchor in the pool at Faro, Bruce will come out and lead you in. If you draw over 1.8m I would think carefully. The boatyard was a bit rough and ready although Bruce has been smartening up the...
  5. R

    Painting the topsides - International or Blakes?

    Thanks for all your responses, I know Awlgrip would be the best, but location, time and especially money mean its not an option. We have decided to try Blakes 2-pack on the transom to test as we can always go over it with the one-pack if we need to. I'll let you know how we get on.
  6. R

    Painting the topsides - International or Blakes?

    thanks for the replies, the boat is not in the UK which is why we have the choice of Blakes/Hempel or International. Does anyone have experience of these products?
  7. R

    Painting the topsides - International or Blakes?

    We are re-painting the topsides on our 32" boat (last done by the previous owners) and have a choice between using Blakes/Hempel or International. We are doing the painting ourselves and want to get the best finish we can, is there a big difference in the finish between one-pack and two-pack...
  8. R

    Wintering at Lagos

    For hard standing you really can't beat Bruces in Faro, we wouldn't go anywhere else. If you need work doing you are probably better off in Lagos or Portimao. Be warned though there is one firm here that I wouldn't touch with a barge pole, but i think they are not allowed to work in Sopromar...
  9. R

    For those on or heading to the Algarve

    Just to let you good people know that the anchorage in Portimao is definately OPEN! The anchorage had been cleared for some dredging work, but the person clearing the boats after this had been doing so in an (ahem) unofficial capacity. Boats are happily anchored there as I type this, but...
  10. R

    Buying anchor light

    when I said sikaflex tube I did in fact mean the nozzle bit on the end!
  11. R

    Buying anchor light

    Our anchor light is a home build special consisting of a few leds glued into the end of a sikaflex tube run on a long lead and plugged into the 12v. It hangs in the rigging at night and draws bugger all amps and can be seen quite clearly from plenty far away. Most recommended!
  12. R

    Filling a hole in the hull

    We have just bought a new depth sounder which doesn't fit in the hole left by the previous one and in any case can be fitted inside the hull (Nasa Clipper) so we are left with a hole in the hull to be filled. I've done a bit of research on the internet but I don't know anyone that has actually...
  13. R

    Is there such a thing as a cheap radar?

    Another quick thought, with the pound being so strong against the dollar, is it worth trying to find a bargain from the states? Will it be the same item? This will be a huge outlay for us, so I'm trying to find a bargain where I can...
  14. R

    Is there such a thing as a cheap radar?

    Blimey thank you all for your posts, especially the links. we've just decided to mortgage the dog (no, not really) and go to the boat show so i'll see if we can get a bargain on a new furuno. Thanks again!
  15. R

    Is there such a thing as a cheap radar?

    I'm trying to convince hubby that a radar would be a sensible addition to our boat if we decide to head for the Azores next year. However as we are what can only be described as poor, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a low-cost radar for our 32ft boat? Do they ever come up second hand...