Recent content by jant

  1. J

    Premier Marine Paints Ltd - Antifoul

    I have used premier semi hard for 5 years and was fairly satisfied. Mooring is east coast where fouling can be extremely high when the water becomes warm. Sadly i I have just looked on the site to place my anual order of 2 2.5 ltrs tins and shocked at the price rise.
  2. J

    Epic antifoul fail

    Fouling in brightlingsea is particularly bad this year, most are blaming the very warm waters
  3. J

    Tollesbury, Brightlingsea, very quiet

    Brightlingsea has been very quite with visitors this year, it would appear to be a sign of the times, I visited st kats recently and there were loads of empty berths. chatting to other east coast cruisers anchoring has once again become the norm.
  4. J

    Nice voyage to St Kats, in the heatwave

    We went to st kats last week, (after getting stuck in Chatham with a bust lock gate) using Queenborough as a stopover, if you wish a quite Berth there avoid the hammerhead or large mooring rings. We opted for the orange line of swinging moorings stud side of entry. Be aware that only one of...
  5. J

    Frustrated at trying to book a berth for Chatham,

    Great I'll look and view! Fair tides John
  6. J

    Frustrated at trying to book a berth for Chatham,

    Thanks for the heads up concerto, called on vhf and the locking chap couldn't have been more helpful, in fact the exact opposite from the telephone conversation I had with the person on duty last night... enjoy your cruising wherever you may be.....
  7. J

    Frustrated at trying to book a berth for Chatham,

    I called Chatham for a berth as a visitor for 2 nights to he told I have to go on line to book the young person on the phone could not help at all with telephone booking..... what is the world coming to when you cannot talk to a person, grrrr
  8. J

    Windy, isn't it

    brightlingsea pics from social media….
  9. J

    Help with forward propulsion

    This happened to me once, weird when the boat could go astern fine but no forward motion. It turned out to be the clutch. Local engineer rebuilt the box.
  10. J

    Big tidal surge today

    Life boat came out to a lone fisherman stuck by the tide at batemans tower, he declined a lift ashore saying he was quite safe thank you!
  11. J

    Sloop or ketch, pros and cons

    A yawl is much prettier !
  12. J

    Comfortable roach mooring

    Ahh yes indeed, I meant the wind in the crouch! We motored against 25kts. Entering the roach and sailing on a reach was such a bonus. All the best, colne clipper
  13. J

    Comfortable roach mooring

    well I went by the advice of an RSA member a few years ago that told me all moorings above the derelict small jetty are under the control of the association marked by an arrow on attached. Hopefully, this info is correct?
  14. J

    Comfortable roach mooring

    Picked up a roach sailing association mooring, had intended to go from Burnham-on-Crouch to the Blackwater on Friday but with the blustery wind on the nose conditions did a handbrake turn into the Roach. Thank you to the RSA for a very comfortable mooring, donation to the rnli in rsa name as a TQ.
  15. J

    How do you tie a bowline?

    That is sooo funny! ??permission to quote it to former students sir?