Recent content by ghostlymoron

  1. ghostlymoron

    A bit steep even for 'Marine parts'?

    Surprised me too maybe they were posted absolutely simultaneously.
  2. ghostlymoron

    Yanmar 1gm alternator mount breaks

    If he's always done it that way and it's cracked , it's time to try something else. Doing something the same way and expecting a different result is crazy.
  3. ghostlymoron

    A bit steep even for 'Marine parts'?

    Which #17 ? There are two. (I know really)
  4. ghostlymoron

    Windows Stuck

    Teflon is very good for lubricating things to keep them moving but I find it's not so good for penetrating items that are already stuck. Although WD-40 is decried as not penetrating, I've freed off all sorts with it, blocks, rusty bolts and so on when plus gas is not available.
  5. ghostlymoron

    How much to offer vs. broker's asking price?

    This is a question that's been asked many times on here and there's really no straight answer. Buying a boat (or anything really - car, house, hifi) is a matter of negotiation between buyer and seller. If you buy from a shop, the shopkeeper offers the goods at a fixed price and you either accept...
  6. ghostlymoron

    Keeping fresh milk without a fridge

    It is possible to get dried full cream milk off internet but never seen it in shops. Uht milk is much better than it used to be and quite acceptable on cereals as well as in tea but once open soon goes cheesy. Fridge is the only way really although I haven't tried craven dale.
  7. ghostlymoron

    Selling our boat - strange buyer approach

    Block his emails and sell to a genuine buyer, it's obviously a scam. Don't worry about how the scam works.
  8. ghostlymoron

    Hatch runner/slider

    When mine wore out after 15 years, I turned them over, they should be good for another 15. I'd use something like Formica if they needed changing again. I think the originals were Tufnall.
  9. ghostlymoron

    What are calor gas bottles worth?

    I think They are supposed to in the first few years but not thereafter. It's been so long since I've had a new cylinder I can't remember what it said on the paperwork. I don't know anyone who's got a refund.
  10. ghostlymoron

    Closed or open turnbuckles?

    I prefer open pattern bronze ones for no particular reason.
  11. ghostlymoron

    What are calor gas bottles worth?

    I sold two small size calor cylinders a couple of months ago - £10 each. Don't worry about the lease/own argument technically calor retain ownership but who's gonna check.
  12. ghostlymoron

    Yanmar 2GM20 Alternator Belt

    I used original belts on mine for several years without problems. I did get a bit of black dust but assumed it was normal. I think you always get a bit of dust but, on a car , it just blows away .
  13. ghostlymoron

    Matching gelcoat colour

    "unless your an artist in previous life or have a very good eye it’s not easy , well I made right hash if it when I tried" That's why I suggested getting a pro to do it.
  14. ghostlymoron

    Beware BlueSolar charge controllers

    I'm most unlikely to visit the Southern Ocean