Recent content by GeoffW

  1. G

    The Waterfront, Cowes

    We went there a few years ago. The beer was that bad we only managed to drink half a pint. Did not try the food, but have never been back.
  2. G

    win a boat!!!

    A dive boat showing/using flags correctly! You could be looking for a long time.
  3. G

    Cornish maid will be.....

    May be there on KARIS but subject to forecast wind direction for Sunday morning. If there will no doubt be spending some of Sat. evening in yacht club bar.
  4. G

    Bukh DV20

    Have you cleaned/replaced the fuel filter on the engine (screw on) and the lift pump filters. A dirty lift pump filter can cause 'spluttering' which may lead to the engine stopping.
  5. G

    What flag for Channel Islands

    Each Island has its' own ensign. It is acceptable to fly just the standard British ensign. But do not fly the Guernsey flag in Jersey, or the Jersey flag in Alderney or similar.
  6. G

    Sailing this weekend?

    I will be doing the anti-fouling and other under hull jobs in Southsea this coming weekend. Hope they remember to lift the boat out!
  7. G

    Getting into Ryde IOW

    5' 6'' sounds like a fin keel. Are you able/willing to dry out against the wall. Harbour dries about 2.3 metres so you would only get in at the very top of the tide. (maybe not at all on neaps)
  8. G

    ta ta -

    Enjoy the trip.
  9. G

    RTIR Scuttlebutt Challenge

    Found required info. ISC 'D' Start time 0840. Any time before 0930 of a weekend is very unsocialable! Handicap 0.861 Be nice to a RITR virgin!!
  10. G

    RTIR Scuttlebutt Challenge

    Crewing on a Hunter 26, named J.L.S. No idea of start time or rating at present, but almost bound to be an early start. Will be at the Folly Friday night.
  11. G

    New Sail delivered .5m short in Luff

    An old sail can be stretched & distorted. Using it as a template can lead to an incorrectly sized sail. A good sail maker would visit the boat to measure the boom/mast etc to ensure a 'good fit'.
  12. G

    Chichester Marina; local pubs/bars

    Are there any pubs/bars within walking distance of the marina. I have visted the yacht club on a number of occasions and the marina bar a number of times and am looking to go somewhere different at whitsun.
  13. G

    Cherbourg to Barfleur. Missing bouys?

    Are the 'La Pierre Noire', 'Basse de Renier', & 'Les Equets' bouys still on station? I did the trip last summer and some of the bouys were 'missing'. I can not find any references to thier removal in the chart correction sites, but have heard from others that they did not see the bouys last year.
  14. G

    sickness tablets

    stugeron works for me.