Recent content by ditchcrawler

  1. D

    tiller locks

    On several boats I have used a length of doubled up bungee cord clipped to the pushpit at an angle each side with a rope tail which goes through a clam cleat fairlead on each side of the tiller. It is adjustable for tension by simply pulling or easing the rope/cord through the cam cleat. It...
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    Electric winches

    I tried the Cranker bit using my Black and Decker drill and that did not have enough torque to raise the main or sheet the genoa on my 31 footer. I saw the Winchrite on You tube and bought one . I have had it for many years and it is one of my best buys. Several friends scoffed at first but as...
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    Shaft seal help - another 25mm Volvo one or...

    Having had Volvo seals on several boats I have never had any problems with them. However on my Moody I had an old type oil fed seal which leaked. Due to the access problems it would have been difficult to "burp" the Volvo seal so I fitted a Radiche type seal from ASAP with a permanent vent and...
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    Suffolk Yacht Harbour

    The obvious place with access to all the facilities is Tide Mill Marina in Woodbridge as it is in the middle of the town. The drawback being that it is some distance up the Deben and has a cill giving access at about half tide depending on your draught.
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    Mainsail hoist - winch or electric?

    Using a bit in a drill doesn’t work. Most do not have enough torque. The big Milwaukee right angled one will work but heavy to handle and expensive. I have had a Winchrite for some years and it is very good. Used on a 31 ft boat. Some friends scoffed when I bought it. They tried it and bought...
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    Lewmar genoa car sheave/upstand replacement

    Another vote for Barton. I replaced the same cars as yours with the Barton ones. One end of my track had the stop end only fitted with a screw. I think it was the forward end.
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    Sorry to hear your sad news.
  8. D

    RIP Bob Fisher

    Looked at the RTIR history and Barracuda with Bob Fisher did indeed hit the Varvassi in 1993 and hit Bembridge ledge as well . but not the same year.
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    RIP Bob Fisher

    From what I remember I was sailing in the RTIR that year and I thought he grounded Barracuda on the Varvassi boiler at the Needles trying to cut off the corner. Perhaps my memory is playing tricks.
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    I have used the Jotun Cu-Pro and found it to be good. I used to use the Seaforce 30 which I thought was very good, but now only sold to commercial. I used 5 litres on my Moody 31 which gave one good coat and another coat on leading edges and rudder etc. It lasted 2 seasons with a quick scrub...
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    Swift/ Morton Explorer

    If you like the Cape Cutter have a look at the Hunter Minstrel. A lot cheaper.
  12. D

    Anything like a Hunter Horizon 272 or MG Spring 25?

    I bought a 245 in september 2020 downsizing from my Moody 31 which I had for 14 years. The 245 in the video had a lot more photographs and there was some roof strengthening and plates that had been added and the inside looked as though there had been leaks which suggests why it was cheap, and...
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    Anything like a Hunter Horizon 272 or MG Spring 25?

    From what I saw on the Parker website a 275 would be nearer 20k than 10k. There is a 27 for sale with Clarke and Carter at 18500 although it does have s fairly recent engine. The older Seals are advertised in the 12-14k range so you might get one of those near the 10k.
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    RCD compliance..

    I bought a self built British Hunter some years ago which was done from a kit. I had help from the RYA legal department in that the boat as a kit boat to qualify for RCD exemption could not be sold by the first owner unless it had been "in service" for a number of years. I can't remember...
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    East Coast Antifoul

    I used to use the Jotun Seaforce 30 which was excellent but it was then sold only for commercial application. I switched to Jotun Cu Pro. This has been good on the Orwell and has lasted 2 years with a late summer scrub. Drawback is you have to buy 5 litres which is £125 plus postage. I share...