Recent content by Clyde_Wanderer

  1. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde Scuttlebutt Spring Cruise 2016

    Wd love to join u all but unless u make it the wk before or after i wont make it as its my wk end on. Off wk ends before and after. :-( C_W
  2. Clyde_Wanderer

    We're all doomed.

    Gordon is that now what our government are always doing? :-):-):-) C_W
  3. Clyde_Wanderer

    Westerly Pageant coach roof?

    Thanks all for your replies i will pass on this info to my mate. C_W
  4. Clyde_Wanderer

    user profile

    How does one alter or update profile? Dont see a facility to do so. C_W
  5. Clyde_Wanderer

    Westerly Pageant coach roof?

    Can anyone tell me if the westerly pageant coach roof is of double skin construction, ie is it balsa core or single skin? If balsa or foam core what is the overall thickness. Asking for a mate who is considering screwing plywood strips to coach roof so he can fix prelined ply pannels to. C_W
  6. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde Scuttlebutt Spring 2015

    I believe a few members would prefer Rothesay, logistics more suited to our requirements!!!:-D:-D:-D Aparently Davy's till is always well lubricated!:-D:-D:-D C-W
  7. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde Scuttlebutt Spring 2015

    I had information just yesterday from a staff member at cwsc that they havent started on the repairs of pontoons and its highly unlikely the will be ready in time. I suggest Rothesay as a muster point, way too difficult swimming back to boats at 0300 after a bottle of Chig!!! Besides if u as...
  8. Clyde_Wanderer

    Interdeck removal

    Thanks guys for the advice. There is very few lose flakey bits and only on a few of the pannels so long as i can get them feathered down to get a reasonably tidy job i think i will opt for the sanding option. Is it necessary to sand the sound areas for repainting or can they painted directly as...
  9. Clyde_Wanderer

    Interdeck removal

    Has anyone ever removed interdeck non slip paint and if so how? On my boat the non slip was originally fine stippled pannels and part of the moulding process and they are very slightly proud of the surrounding gel coat and had been painted at some stage with blue interdeck but there are areas...
  10. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde Scuttlebutt Spring 2015

    Thanks Paul. I will be wandering about somewhere! Major repair to be done before launch and im trying to book up annual leave for march so as to get at it. Am really looking forward to getting out on the water and start living again, its been a long winter of hibernating. Hows ur bro keeping...
  11. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde Scuttlebutt Spring 2015

    Hi all, hope you are all well. Ive not bn in this place (or any other!!!) for quite a long time now but im sure some of u will remember me. Might try joining u at cwsc in april if things go to plan. I will try keepin an eye on this thread for updates but im sure my good friend Ian will keep me...
  12. Clyde_Wanderer

    Clyde scuttlebutt

    Same here, AL booked at work for Tarbert wk end, and that will be last trip for Hb too. Head up there on the fri so wont make cwsc. C_W
  13. Clyde_Wanderer

    Inverkip Boat Show

    Ironic that ive not bn on here for months and first thread i read gives me a mention!!! I dident buy Hummingbird through the show but did buy her in kip. Will i see u at Tarbert during festival Ewan? Mind invite me aboard for a drink this time!!!!! C_W
  14. Clyde_Wanderer

    Scuttlebutt Clyde Cruise Early 2014

    Just checked my diary and should be there sometime fri eve and my days off are sat and sun. Providing Hb is in. C_W