You want: You'ld settle for: You get


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17 Sep 2003
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You want: You\'ld settle for: You get

After reading the irregular sailing verbs thread, I was reminded of this.

You want: to be a Yachtmaster

You'ld settle for: Day Skipper practical

You get: to run aground on the Bramble while doing Comp Crew

You want: To sail round the world

You'ld settle for: joining the Scuttlebutters trip to Cherbourg

You get: 5 brownie points for redecorating the living room (less 10 points for not doing it before her mother came to stay).

You want: An accurate weather forecast for the next 21 days

You'ld settle for: The latest Met Office bulletin

You get: What the next door boat can remember from yesterday’s inshore forecast.

You want: to be able to name drop such as Pete Goss, Ellen MacArthur & Chay Blyth etc.

You'ld settle for: being able to name drop James Jermain, Paul Gelder, Simon Jinks, & Dick Durham etc

You get: saying “Have you read that piece in last month’s Yachting Monthly?” and everybody has.

You want: A luxury yacht crewed by bikini clad babes

You'ld settle for: a family cruiser crewed by SWMBO

You get: An old dinghy with a couple of oars.

<hr width=100% size=1>Never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
16 May 2001
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Re: You want: You\'ld settle for: You get

You want: six numbers

You'ld settle for: five and the bonus ball

You get: one number out of six about one week in three.

Steve Cronin

<hr width=100% size=1>The above is, like any other post here, only a personal opinion


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29 Apr 2003
Not always where I would like to be!
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Re: You want: You\'ld settle for: You get

Wow what's your system, or are you just lucky?

We rarely bother now, whilst checking another useless ticket on-line we tried the function that allows you to check the same numbers over the last six months. I think we would have made a tenner.

<hr width=100% size=1>Think I'll draw some little rabbits on my head, from a distance they might be mistaken for hairs.