Curious statement from the harbour master "who did not want to be named", I wonder why. Since when have these things been a secret, perhaps he fears reprisals.
Every owners nightmare. How often do you check the boat before you finally lock the cabin - Even though I have a check list I still get paranoid and have been known to revisit boat despite knowing that I have already checked ! Luckily theres a handy web cam pointing at my boat so I can keep a daily check.
If the cause isn't obvious, I would suspect the prop shaft seal.
Mine kept leaking a trickle of water after I relaunched. I tried venting repeatedly, but the only thing that seemed to stop it was starting the engine and turning the prop. Then it would happen, again, quite unpredictably.[ QUOTE ]
Every owners nightmare. How often do you check the boat before you finally lock the cabin
[/ QUOTE ] Indeed. The yard sorted mine, I hope, by much bolder ventting so that the water gushed in a flushed out the muck/debris/weed trapped in it.
I'd be surprised if a Wauquiez 43 had a prop shaft - more likely to have a saildrive in my experience of Wauquiez. There are so many through hull fittings that I guess any could have leaked and I doubt that Fox's would have put any of them in apart from may be a log and/or depth sounder. It must have been quite a large hole for it to go down completely overnight.
Tragic for the owner - i really feel for him/her.
CCTV came in useful I notice *not*, perhaps if there were someone watching it they would have noticed quicker... for all the money people pay for moorings you'd think they could afford to employ some teenager to watch it at least?
Depends how up to date the guide is as the HM has changed in the relatively recent past. Also, I believe the HM is on leave this week so it may not be the real HM after all. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I once saw a converted Watson Lifeboat craned with a few feet of bilgewater.It didnt do the boat or crane much good when it fell over during the lift /forums/images/graemlins/mad.gif