New member
I espied a nine metre Jeaneau "folie douce" on E bay for sale.
She is in Perros Guirec North Britanny.
The owner has painted an idealic picture of how life could be for the new owner.
The punchline is that Dearheart (bless her) said "Well, why don't you go and
see it then?"
Does anyone know anything about the general area?
We would need easy access for two or three days at a time, (airport?)
Any ideas on the local sailing area, I believe it is good?
What do others do about transport? bus, train, folding bike, hire car?
Your thoughts will be appreciated
Regards Briani
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She is in Perros Guirec North Britanny.
The owner has painted an idealic picture of how life could be for the new owner.
The punchline is that Dearheart (bless her) said "Well, why don't you go and
see it then?"
Does anyone know anything about the general area?
We would need easy access for two or three days at a time, (airport?)
Any ideas on the local sailing area, I believe it is good?
What do others do about transport? bus, train, folding bike, hire car?
Your thoughts will be appreciated
Regards Briani
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