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16 Jan 2003
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We are wintering on the Maltese island of Gozo. Approx 8 weeks ago a yacht was brought into the harbour having been discovered by local fishermen abandoned, drifting, engine running, hank on headsail in the water and main half lowered, some 30 nm offshore towards Scicily. She is named Xenia, Austrian flagged, steel, white hull of about 11.5m. Well equipped with radar, SSB and solar panel along with expensive luxury kit like stainless steel anchor chain. She has the distinguishing feature of having cartoon of a mouse painted on the stbd bow and port qtr.

As we last saw this vessel in August anchored close to us in Port Mahon, Menorca we took an interest in the situation. We reported our facts to the Malta Maritime authority and the Gozo Police Station (who had it on their computer under 'lost and found'!). We gave then the dates of our sighting along with the phone and fax number of the port authority in Mahon who would have a record of crew details. Both agencies gave us a metaphorical shrug of the shoulders and told us it was out of their hands(!). The yacht is currently on the visitors pontoon in Gozo Harbour.

Yesterday, the Gozo fishermen returned and filled some ten large bags of gear, loaded it into a truck and disappeared. They also went some way to stripping the electronics.

We, and other liveaboards of various nationalities. are somewhat exasperated at the apparent attitude of officials towards this event. We feel that the two most likely scenarios are: a: The crew have been lost overboard under adverse conditions (the weather was a bit iffy at the time) or b: The boat has been wintering in Tunisia, has been stolen by economic migrants, motored to the West coast of Sicily, turned around and abandoned to its fate - the rightful owners sitting in Austria blissfully unaware of what is going on. In both cases there should be evidence of ownership on board and contact should be made.

Has anybody out there any information on this boat or can anyone advise us how we may pursue the matter of tracing ownership, next of kin or whatever?


New member
17 Jul 2001
A very sad situation. I have just run a search on the ITU web site and they list just one vessel named Xenia and registered in Austria. They dont show much about the vessel except that its call sign is OEX5367. There is a facility to determine the emergency contact for the vessel but this isn't available to the general public.

Is there any way that you can check whether this is the correct callsign? If it is then I will try to get the UK Coast Guards working on it.


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16 Jan 2003
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Many thanks for your help. At least we now know that the yacht officially exists. I do not think we will be able to confirm the callsign as we are not allowed on board (unless we pose as Gozitan fishermen!). We have already told the Harbour Office here that we felt that just five minutes on board we would have been able to judge what might have happened but they didn't want to know. They told us that the yacht was 'sealed' which is absolute rubbish!

As they had SSB they may have been more in the habit of using their callsign than we are. It is perhaps worth asking for UK Coastguard for advice on the assumption that their callsign has not changed. Swedish yacht friends of ours have already contacted the Austrian Consular Representative - they have no Embassy here - in Valletta but with language difficulties and a lack of resources on the Austrian side we doubt if that will yield much.


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17 Jun 2001
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Pagasos! I have posted your original message and Henry B's answer to the Cruising Association's MEDNET 201 members - so far no responses. I have also sent an e-mail with your original message to Pantaenius in case the yacht is insured by them. I will also send an e-mail to the Cruising Association Honary Local Representative in Malta in case he feels he can help to put some pressure on local marine officialdom.

I will keep you posted as and when more info comes in. Keep up pressure locally yourselves - of coure those who have taken the gear into safe keeping may not want to part with it!

Good luck


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17 Oct 2001
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Re: Keep us posted too please

This is a very interesting story from a fellow cruiser point of view. Please keep us posted on any new developments - even trivial ones.

We all might somehow find ourselves tangled in a similar mess and "previous" experience can only help.

Thank you.

<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.stingo.co.uk>http://www.stingo.co.uk</A> - now showing at a computer near you


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17 Jul 2001

I explained the situation to a Coast Guard at Falmouth on Saturday morning. He called up the ITU database while I was talking to him but couldn't get any more information than me. He asked me to leave it with him and that he would call me back if he found anything, but, so far, I haven't heard from him.
I'll let you know if I discover anything.


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17 Jun 2001
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Have had the following response from Pantaenius. Do you think that this could be the same boat?

"Dear Bill and Rona,
The only yacht I can find on our system that fits is a Cumulant 37 built in
1979 by Harlinger Jachtbouw in Holland. Do you think this might be the
yacht? (If you look on the net there is the Cumulant HJ37 at 11.1m-the
yacht has a significantly raised sheerline towards the stern).

Mike Hulbert

Pantaenius UK Ltd.
Marine Building
Victoria Wharf
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1752 275716
Mobile phone: 07771 885242
Fax: +44 1752 223637
e-mail: mikeh@pantaenius.co.uk"

Please rsvp to us in first instance.


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22 Oct 2001
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You have the phone/fax details for Port Mahon. You do not state what dates you saw the boat at Mahon.
Isn't one option for someone to ring Port Mahon and get the crew details?
If you post the information I will have a go!
Has anyone tried the Austrian Embassy in the UK?
Can you give approx date of arriveal of boat in Gozo?
Is boat still there?
Any more news?


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16 Jan 2003
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Dear Sunny Jim

Thanks a lot for your help with Pantaenius. Sorry for delay in replying but our reply of last week got lost in the system. Anyway, unfortunately this is not the boat. We had a look at a photo of a Cumulant 37 but it didn't match.

We have been to the British High Commission who have asked us to put it in writing and they will do what they can. Meanwhile, Xenia has been lifted out and is on the hard at Gozo harbour.

Will keep you posted.
Kind regards.


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16 Jan 2003
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Re: Keep us posted too please

Dear Stingo

Thank you for your support. We have been to the British High Commission who have asked us to put it in writing and they will do what they can to investigate. Xenia is now out of the water and on the hard in Gozo harbour.

Kind regards.


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16 Jan 2003
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Latest news on Xenia is that it is now out of the water on the hard in Mgarr Harbour. We have been to the British High Commission but with no result. A Swedish friend has just returned to Gothenburg and is investigating from that end. Thanks for your support.


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17 Jun 2001
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In case you haven't already heard, the Crusing Association Honorary Local Representative (HLR) in Malta that I contacted is currently working with the owner of Xenia to help him recover property and boat.

For what it's worth, the owner doesn't sound to be Austrian! More like Arabic...

When I know more about the circs, I'll let you know. Do you have any other info?


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17 Nov 2001
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There is a yacht called Xenia permanently berthed, with its own pontoon and adjacent house, just a few metres up the harbour from the buoys nesar Cala Rata, in Mahon. The owner is certainly German speaking and - as far as I remember - flies a German flag.

I am sure that if you contact the franchise, which is the mooring authority in Mahon, but based in the harbour office - and especially Jose the little dark guy who drives the RIB - they will be able to confirm that this boat is still there - or not, which would at least eliminate it from your enquiries.

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17 Jun 2001
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I have now received the following info from the Cruising Association HLR in Malta re the fate of Xenia:

"I regret not having acknowledged your e-mail earlier as I was in Tunisia where we are setting up a Yachting Company in Yasmine Hammamet which is a state of the Art Yacht Marina built to exclusive specifications and situated in a very modern new area surrounded by boulevards.

I have just returned back to my office in Malta where I found your e-mail and would like to confirm that when Xenia was abandoned due to very rough weather the owner and his wife and their child were picked up by a passing ship. The owner and his wife have returned to Malta to claim their personal belongings and completely lost interest in the ownership of the craft and they told me at the time of our meeting that they were prepared rather than pay salvage as they do not have money they would rather transfer the ownership of the craft to the fishermen who recovered her.
I have recommended Mr Sheakh to a local lawyer to assist him and have regretfully not heard again from him and therefore cannot give you more detail report of what actually happened as I was hoping to meet him again and discuss this with him which I certainly will do should he call back.

I trust I shall have the pleasure of meeting you in the not too distant future.


Yours Sincerely;

Roland Darmanin Kissaun
Managing Director"

What a sad end to a trip! Could happen to anyone if not insured and able to negotiate on basis of Lloyds Standard Salvage Form.

Thanks to all who tried to help in this disaster.

By the way - has anyone visited the Yasmine Hammamet Marina?

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16 Jan 2003
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Thank you very much for info. It seems like a remarkable coincidence! Anyway, it seems that the owners have been traced - see Sunny Jims post.

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