Active member
Well! We finally did it and left. We are currently in Paris on the way south through the French canals to points south and hopefully sunnier climes than seems to have been the case in the UK this year. Many thanks to all the forumites who helped with all my queries over the last year.
Now, if anyone can help with this one I will be most grateful. We are looking to winter our Southerly 105 Noosa somewhere near the end of the French canals or even in the Med. We will have to leave her for three or four months whilst we go off to try and earn next years cruising budget so security is an obvious requirement along with staff who don't mind checking lines etc occasionally.
If anyone has any thoughts of a suitable place I'd appreciate any information you can supply. I'll also post this in the Liveabord forum.
Many thanks in advance
Chas and Julie Roberts
S105 Noosa
<hr width=100% size=1>Semper in excretum sum. Sole profundum variat!
Now, if anyone can help with this one I will be most grateful. We are looking to winter our Southerly 105 Noosa somewhere near the end of the French canals or even in the Med. We will have to leave her for three or four months whilst we go off to try and earn next years cruising budget so security is an obvious requirement along with staff who don't mind checking lines etc occasionally.
If anyone has any thoughts of a suitable place I'd appreciate any information you can supply. I'll also post this in the Liveabord forum.
Many thanks in advance
Chas and Julie Roberts
S105 Noosa
<hr width=100% size=1>Semper in excretum sum. Sole profundum variat!