There are currently at least five live threads on scuttlebut and PBO bitching about various aspects of the boat show including food (I've been to many town high streets with MUCH less food choice), Parking (its soooooo hard to walk the 50 yards from the car park to the entrance, or get on the bus at the park and ride), location - on the DLR - one of the best public transport systems in the country, on a Major road and 15 minutes from the centre of London.
Did I miss anything? what the hell does everybody want? to be lead around by the nose? perhaps excel should employ personal valets to park our cars and then take us round to the particular stand, or exhibit of our choice? But then that would make it a tad difficult to make it a free show - which is also a point of whinging on a couple of threads.
Excel has some of the best transport links in the country, not least beceause the olympics are planned to go about 10 minutes up the road. Maybe we don't deserve to have decent events in this country - perhaps it would be better if the boat show, Olympics, Grand prix etc were all cancelled, at least THAT would satisfy the British national hobby of moaning about everything.
PS. I am well aware of the Irony of my moaning about other peoples moaning /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Did I miss anything? what the hell does everybody want? to be lead around by the nose? perhaps excel should employ personal valets to park our cars and then take us round to the particular stand, or exhibit of our choice? But then that would make it a tad difficult to make it a free show - which is also a point of whinging on a couple of threads.
Excel has some of the best transport links in the country, not least beceause the olympics are planned to go about 10 minutes up the road. Maybe we don't deserve to have decent events in this country - perhaps it would be better if the boat show, Olympics, Grand prix etc were all cancelled, at least THAT would satisfy the British national hobby of moaning about everything.
PS. I am well aware of the Irony of my moaning about other peoples moaning /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif