New member
Why can\'t people
be Open, Honest and Straight when dealing with anything boaty for sale ??
I have just got back from visiting Poole, Southampton, and Portsmouth,the first two locations were to look at a couple of boats(prospects perhaps for later this year) One owner failed to turn up altogether so I gave him a call , where are you ?? "changed my mind , not for sale" !! Second boat of interest, we had been assured was "Immaculate" Spotless " by the owner, Well I would not feed my dog on it, let alone let SWMBO go aboard, dread to think what his home is like!!!!
So finally off to see a replacement engine etc for my current boat with a view to get it up and running, so that I can sell it to move on to something better, No problem says vendor, choice of two engines and outdrives, one engine is a bit lffy so only being sold as spairs the other is really, really mint full history Blah Blah!!
Bull***t no compression on one lump and the second lump siezed solid!!!! and this from a guy who's in the "trade" and works at Port Solent!!!!!
Now I'm not whinging on this occasion, as it happens we had a nice time, and good food, etc, It was however damned annoying, that these peeps had been far from honest, and so wasted our time.
Why do people do this ??? Grrr!!
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be Open, Honest and Straight when dealing with anything boaty for sale ??
I have just got back from visiting Poole, Southampton, and Portsmouth,the first two locations were to look at a couple of boats(prospects perhaps for later this year) One owner failed to turn up altogether so I gave him a call , where are you ?? "changed my mind , not for sale" !! Second boat of interest, we had been assured was "Immaculate" Spotless " by the owner, Well I would not feed my dog on it, let alone let SWMBO go aboard, dread to think what his home is like!!!!
So finally off to see a replacement engine etc for my current boat with a view to get it up and running, so that I can sell it to move on to something better, No problem says vendor, choice of two engines and outdrives, one engine is a bit lffy so only being sold as spairs the other is really, really mint full history Blah Blah!!
Bull***t no compression on one lump and the second lump siezed solid!!!! and this from a guy who's in the "trade" and works at Port Solent!!!!!
Now I'm not whinging on this occasion, as it happens we had a nice time, and good food, etc, It was however damned annoying, that these peeps had been far from honest, and so wasted our time.
Why do people do this ??? Grrr!!
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