Why can't people


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21 Jan 2003
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Why can\'t people

be Open, Honest and Straight when dealing with anything boaty for sale ??
I have just got back from visiting Poole, Southampton, and Portsmouth,the first two locations were to look at a couple of boats(prospects perhaps for later this year) One owner failed to turn up altogether so I gave him a call , where are you ?? "changed my mind , not for sale" !! Second boat of interest, we had been assured was "Immaculate" Spotless " by the owner, Well I would not feed my dog on it, let alone let SWMBO go aboard, dread to think what his home is like!!!!
So finally off to see a replacement engine etc for my current boat with a view to get it up and running, so that I can sell it to move on to something better, No problem says vendor, choice of two engines and outdrives, one engine is a bit lffy so only being sold as spairs the other is really, really mint full history Blah Blah!!
Bull***t no compression on one lump and the second lump siezed solid!!!! and this from a guy who's in the "trade" and works at Port Solent!!!!!
Now I'm not whinging on this occasion, as it happens we had a nice time, and good food, etc, It was however damned annoying, that these peeps had been far from honest, and so wasted our time.
Why do people do this ??? Grrr!!


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Well-known member
21 May 2003
Here or thertemp ashore
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Re: Why can\'t people

by the sound of it u wernt going to "buy" any way, just another "tyre kicker"
u r just as bad as the 3 vendors
boat selling is full of tyre kickers it a hobby with some people

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6 Nov 2001
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Re: \"Immaculate\"

As any fule know that word was first used a little while ago,regarding some unexplained conception or other and did not convince many then.
Prob. the most abused word in the english lauguage.Having looked at some boats recently described as "in good order" and "in excellent condition",would hate to see what sort of house the broker lived in.
Why not say "neglected old dog" or "sad heap",please get out of our marina and be done with it.
Worst was scruffy Fairline parked down at Brighton.Mentioned to broker that if my boat got that bad,I would give it a viking funeral.This produced a wry smile but no comment.

<hr width=100% size=1>If it aint broke fix it till it is.


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23 Oct 2003
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Re: Why can\'t people

need to remember that most boat dealers/brokers whatever they;re called are complete scumbags. u only have to look at the stupid prices for baots in the back of the boat mags to see that. rule of thumb is say before even going look at boat that i am not paying more than 60 percent of asking price whatever and could be a lot lower and if they say $£!* off then you know they've got more greed than sense and forget that boat and move on. best of all forget buying boat in UK and try in med or usa where atleast brokers are a bit more realistic. only people who pay stupid prices for boats in uk are, well, stupid people. and open and honest? well, forget it.

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16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
Re: Why can\'t people

Seems to me Julian, that boating is the last outpost for sharks and crooks. They've been chased out of second-hand cars, life assurance, double glazing, estate agency, etc. So where do they end up - boat industry.

Well, not all of them, but considering a boat purchase is generally second in size to house purchase, it should be better regulated.

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31 Aug 2002
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Re: Why can\'t people

"They've been chased out of ........." Oh no they haven't, not in my world anyway.
Dishonesty and sharp practice is more rife than ever due to the state having drowned in its own bureaucratic morass. 9 in every 1000 of us are civil servants as against 3 teachers or 2 doctors. If these bureaucrats actually ensured that the departments they operate in are efficient, then fine, but just look at the evidence in the fields of transport, health, social security, police, immigration and taxation etc etc. They are all too busy chasing each other's paperwork to actually ensure that things are kept under control. The odds are now very much in favour of the dishonest and inefficient never being punished. Moan moan mumble mumble /forums/images/icons/mad.gif

<hr width=100% size=1><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by whisper on 15/02/2004 18:02 (server time).</FONT></P>


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Why can\'t people

wow - you really really need spring man.....chill.

I don't think it would be inappropriate to advise us of details of teh gentleman who has decided he wishes to withdraw his boat from teh market - you would be helping everyone

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7 Sep 2001
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Re: Why can\'t people

Same thing, went all the way to lymington, to view a boat, described as in excellent condition! 170k, had a look, wasnt worth 80k and it needed a complete refit and I mean complete! Then it would be worth maybe 170k, but needed at least 100k worth of work! I came all the way from Sardinia to look at it!
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30 May 2001
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Re: Why can\'t people

No need to shout at us! It is a pain when peeps totally mis-describe things, once drove half way across Wales to see a 4Track which the owner said had no rust at all, he must have been completely blind, it was brown all over, the bastard.

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23 Oct 2003
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Re: Why can\'t people

MBY and MBM could help us all by publishng the definitive article on how to bargain for a boat in the UK and how it is totally acceptably to offer half of the asking price for starters and then haggle. But then all their advertisers in the back might get a bit shirty, wouldn't they? I have just lookedat my latest MBY and MBM and am staggered at the ludicrous prices asked for old Sealines, Cranchis etc. Does anyone pay anywhere near the full price on these boats?

Excuse the rant, must be something to do with the gloomy weather.

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12 Mar 2003
London & Manchester
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Re: Why can\'t people

...and not just for second hand boats, be interesting to know what deals you can get from new too.

But they'd never publish that, unlike the car mags who seem to have a much stronger position with regard to influence the major builders hold. You can pick up any car mag and get a rough idea of what discounts you can get from where and a true picture of residual values.

Or it could be that the boat market is just filled with a load of hot air...

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16 May 2001
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Re: Why can\'t people

Hmmm. Had the same experience. Flew to Palma to look at a boat described as "immaculate". It wasn't, it was tatty, engine room corroded, teak decks literally peeling off, all covered in birdsh!t, etc. waste of time. Looking at used boats is hard work. As for paid prices, decent boats do generally fetch 90% ish of asking price judging by the (limited) number of actual transactions that I know about.....

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6 Nov 2001
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Re: Why can\'t people

Think that two distinct types of buyers out there.Those who will and can pay whatever the asking price and will do so in order to get what they want quickly,poss with bit of a haggle after the survey for forms sake.
Then there are others less able to hand over the wedge who must be prepared to annoy and perhaps upset vendors,in order to get the boat of their dreams.
The problems occur when the former meet up with the latter.
I have in the past offered 50% on asking price of boats that need work.This enables you to put the seller quite firmly in the picture that you are not talking in terms of some mincing 10% price reduction.He can then walk away without you wasting anymore of his time or whatever.
However the newer and nicer the boat the closer the offer will have to be to secure the deal.
He who dares wins etc.

<hr width=100% size=1>If it aint broke fix it till it is.


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23 Oct 2003
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Re: Why can\'t people

Yes, come on, is there somewhere out there at MBM who is prepared to have the courage to stand up to their advertisers and do a good investigative piece on what discounts on new boats you should ask for. What are these manufacturer's profit margins. Are UK new boat buyers being ripped off compared to their counterparts in Southern Europe. We need a hard-hitting boat mag to tell us. Haven't we had enough of these pussy footing reviews which say every boat is brilliant and fabulous value? Why can't the boat mags be more robust in their criticism like the car mags. Why are boat buyers treated as dreamers and suckers and completely out of touch with reality when it comes to sploshing out money? I have a feeling that MBM and MBY have been sucked into this fantasy dreamworld and therefore think it is quite acceptable to pay way over the odds for a clumsily put together bit of GRP when what they should really be doing is helping to put the bad deal boys out of business. But then, they'd lose all that luvverly advertising revenue, sob , sob....

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28 Jan 2004
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Re: Why can\'t people

Hello Fred
I totally agree with your views, thats just how I perform. turn up, make an offer & put your money where your mouth is, if they dont bite walk away. One serious buyer is worth a thousand dreamers. Im in the middle of a deal at the moment you would not believe how much Ive got him down to.
..........Keep on bidding .............Nat

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10 Sep 2002
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Re: Why can\'t people

Several people have asked me why I am incurring the cost of shipping my boat to Majorca rather than selling it and buying out there - this post tells you why - LESS HASSLE.

With my boat, I know where its been and what condition it's in. Didn't fancy another round of lies and unkept promises from boat salesmen or uninterested sellers.

By the way I can vouch that there are good people in the marine industry, Vicky at Peters and May and John and Sherree at John Parker Yacht Services in Alcudia have been very helpful and taken a lot of stress from the move preparation (hopefully the actual move will go just as well).



<hr width=100% size=1>The Dream is Alive


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31 May 2001
Re: Why can\'t people

I guess we're talking pre-Englander here are we, or are you fancying a change from that most deligtful of boats?

Envy is a terrible thing.

<hr width=100% size=1>John
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31 May 2001
Re: Why can\'t people

You should try buying horse boxes? For my dear wife I "trained" all over England following up ads in Horse and Hound, with pockets full of dosh for a nice "Ladys Horse Box built on the chassis when new". The junk! Eventually found a delightful little box in Bury St. Edmunds.

<hr width=100% size=1>John
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.allgadgets.co.uk>http://www.allgadgets.co.uk</A>