Why are mobo owners such inconsiderate beeps?


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31 Oct 2007
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On my way back from Las Fuentes to SCM today (26nm), lots of raggies out enjoying themselves. Lovely sight. As I approached one from a distance on the same heading, I observed their sails and changed course and speed long before I reached them, giving them a very wide berth with little wake, after all, its easy for me to do that, even though it costs me more fuel! Nice acknowledgement from the skipper and all were content.

I reckon the majority of mobo's would do similar, just the odd plonkers that don't, trust me, I have seen a few raggies up the dart that didn't have a clue what they were doing.

There are good and bad skippers in both, just like good and bad drivers on the road. The sea, as VP said, is for all of us to enjoy its not just for raggies, bellyaching because of an idiot and sort of implying raggies are more considerate is nonsense in my experience, they are not. It just perpetuates the myth and causes stupid divisions......


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16 Feb 2015
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Proper raggies sail into the dart in the evening like we've just done ten mins ago. Keeps out the way of hassle. Plus after starting this thread, I need to keep me head down.


Well-known member
31 Oct 2007
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Proper raggies sail into the dart in the evening like we've just done ten mins ago. Keeps out the way of hassle. Plus after starting this thread, I need to keep me head down.
I know, when I was in TQ before moving to the Med we saw many.....

You don't need to keep your head down, just be more careful not to offend those mobo's that do understand the needs of raggies and put themselves out to avoid causing them unnecessary hardship - by all means report, name and shame a complete A-Hole which is clearly what you encountered, some of us mobo's might also want to avoid him/her....!


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16 May 2001
South coast
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You have pass statutory exams and tests in most Med states .Additionally most Marina have a 10 knot limit for x hundreds of M near entrances and beyond .
Really busy bays eg bay of Cannes with 5000 marina berths spewing out every summer week end , have patrol ribs enforcing dishing out fines .

Theres only the U.K. it seems has zero statutory qualifications. You pay and go .

You mean like a driving licence? That's a really good idea. Driving licences are mandatory in the UK which must be why you never see anyone driving badly, dangerously or inconsiderately. :D


Well-known member
11 Oct 2001
Bangor NI
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It's a difficult gig. I've dabbled with many warring factions.. Motorboats, Speedboats, dinghy racing, sailing yachts, and now bigger Mobo. Motorboats are easy and obvious to offend. It's easy to create lots of wash and weave around and quickly become publicly annoying. But then sailing boaties can at times over-play the 'I'm under sail so I'm the stand-on vessel' at all costs.. (like with ferries or container ships). When I was dinghy racing, it appeared from the club that jet-ski's were universally disliked until we ran aground and guess who rescued us.. A jetski! I won't lie, as a current mobo owner I am a bit disappointed by the number of saily boaties who when I wave, completely ignore me. At the end of the day I think boating is a bit of a micro-climate in itself and 'exclusive club mentality' can show it's face in all kinds of factions. Strange when you think about it. It's a rare luxury in this world to own a boat and somehow we do like to squabble and annoy each other..

But there are lots n lots of decent boaters of all types out there.. You can't deny that.


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18 Feb 2013
Berkshire, UK
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They are ignorant in a uneducated way because learning , passing a test a gov set test is something they never had to do .
They ( most I assume ) have done a bit local boat society work , who s income is dependent on the volunteer student and they never really weed out thick folk . Is it still called the RYA ? ;)

Thought my post on state examinations done buy other EU states was self explanatory.

As I said you rarely see it in the Med in my experience.
So the only difference is lack of proper impartial formal training.
Hmm not my experience in Spain.
For a number of years we would dinghy sail just south of Empuriabrava , + had a small SIB too. We launched from a small river estuary that was a favorite for Ribs and other small motor boats to visit.
But the river entrance was a max of 2boats wide, with sand either side.

Invariably when trying to sail from the river to the sea, we would need to tack back and forth on a close haul through that narrow gap, often with quite a strong current. The number of times motor boats just kept coming through the gap, assuming I could get out of the way. Literally there was nowhere to go in a small sailing dinghy. Clearly these people had no clue about who had right of way. And they were not English judging by the shouting.
We had low speed collisions several times. Usually the motor boat comes of worse if the boom swings over as we change direction.
So I don't know what training out European friends have, but perhaps it is not so comprehensive, or they have just forgotten what they learned :-(


Well-known member
28 Jan 2009
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Surely if it is that narrow and shallow at the sides anything largeish would be restricted by draft and have right of way?