Which Chartplotter


17 Jan 2004
N Wales
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I am currently thinking of fitting a chartplotter.Currently I have an autohelm 50 GPS ,windspeed depth and log,fixed at the chart table with a Tri data repeater in the cockpit. I also have a FurunoGP-31 gps and a Raytheon RTX radar both at the chart table. I intend to fit the chartplotter on the copanionway cover forward of the main hatch so it will be visible from the helm. I'm unsure whether to splash out on a new Raytheon c-series multi function display,or go for a stand alone chartplotter.I dont use an Auto -pilot and as the other info is clearly visible on the cockpit repeater I am tending to opt for the cheaper stand alone option.(?raymarine 435)If I do this can I simlpy link the existing ST 50 GPS by sea talk or would I need yet another GPS antenna on the stern rail?

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10 Feb 2002
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I had a 435 nice bit of kit for the price, but the Navionics charts let it down, they were rediculesly out of date! up to 18 years!! The plotter was good but had a limited NEMA output. I could not run a GPS repeater (NASA) from it.
I would look at the C-Map plotters. I now have a RC530, much better. Much more expensive, but the charts are about the same price.

At the risk of repeating words of wisdom from this forum again, Chose your chart system first, then find a plotter that fits your needs and your pocket. I did not do this and wish I had. Would have saved me a lot of bother.

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16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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A few thoughts...

For around the same price as a 435, you could get a Navman 5600, which is a superb chartplotter. It has a 6.4" screen - slightly bigger than the 435, and with the same resolution. The Navman uses C-Map NT charts, which seem to be very good, and are probably easier to buy and update than the Navionics charts which the Raychart uses. Despite what YM say, the Navman is fully waterproof.

The Raychart 435 comes complete with a GPS antenna and, as far as I’m aware, won’t communicate through SeaTalk, so you’d need to have another antenna on the rail.

The Raychart 435 only stores 500 waypoints (vs 3000 for Navman 5600) and only has 20 routes of 50 points (vs 25 of 50). I’d say that the Raychart is much less user-friendly, and subjectively has less attractive graphics than the Navman. The Navman’s controls are incredibly intuitive to use. In fact, it’s so intuitive that you wouldn’t need to refer to the manual much after the first few uses. The "compass" facility (not available on the 435) makes it very easy to keep on course whilst still being able to view the chart. When you switch the unit on, it's extremely quick to acquire a fix. Setting up or modifying waypoints/routes is incredibly quick and simple.

The Navman also has a couple of very useful feature advantages over the 435. Firstly, in addition to brightness/contrast, it has various formats for the screen display, including a “night” mode which is very effective indeed. Secondly, it has the ability to display lots of data from your other instruments, through an NMEA input, and you can configure the data screen to show just those items which you need.

Before you decide, have a look at the Navman too. You’ll probably be very surprised.

As far as the new Raymarine C Series is concerned, this looks like it could be a very attractive piece of kit (although it also uses Navionics cartography). Haven’t seen full specs yet, but the big benefit is 480x640 screen definition (4 times better than the 435 and Navman). It has a landscape format screen, which I personally think is wrong for a chartplotter. If you were to look at the C70, which has the same size screen as the Navman, the list price will be around £1500 by the time you’ve added the GPS antenna. However, if you’re going to look at the plotter at some distance (helm to companionway), the higher definition may well not matter, because you wouldn’t be able to easily distinguish fine detail at that distance. Unless, that is, you go for a bigger screen, such as the C80 - but that’s another £300!

Difficult decision, but proves that you basically get what you pay for. If you want to pay less than £1000, I’d go for the Navman 5600. If you’re happy to pay £1500++, I’d go for the C80. Of course, if you were to buy a C Series, and if your radar were to give up the ghost in the next year or so, you could then just add a compatible scanner to your C Series and you’ve got colour radar at a very low cost. Could make the decision easier to justify!

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17 Jan 2004
N Wales
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Re: A few thoughts...

Thanks for that advice.If I opted for the Navman would an integral antenna be OK for the planned position(i.e. basically under the sprayhood),or would I still need the extra antenna on the stern rail?

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
UK East Coast
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Navman antenna...

The Navman 5600 is only available with a separate antenna. The smaller 5500 has an option of an integral antenna, but the screen is quite small and it only has 500 waypoints.

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Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Re: A few thoughts...

We have a Navman colour 5500i with integral WAAS/EGNOS GPS mounted under the sprayhood and it is excellent. Ours is kept deliberately as a complete standalone, on a separate battery bank and not connected to instruments or pilot (we have another 10" Raytheon C-Map plotter down below that links to everything), it simply plugs into a waterproof 2 pin socket on the coachroof.

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9 Dec 2001
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Navman 5600. Superb bit of kit although one tip don't switch it off when in night mode as when you switch it back on again in daylight you will think that it is broken.....as I did. Four hours later the penny dropped!!

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